Switching it up

banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
So now that I have a BMI of around 24 and my stomach is back to (pretty much) flat I'm changing my routine.

I used to do 4 days of cardio and 2 days of weights. But now I'm going to switch it to 3 days of weights and 3 days of cardio.

I am going to concentrate on 1 area of the body for each weight training day and use circuits so I keep my heart rate up (plus I don't have the time to do a regular weight regimen)

My routine will be
Monday - core (abs, obliques, and glutes)
tuesday - running (4 miles)
wednesday - legs (quads, hamis, calves, shins)
thursday - running (4 miles 1 minute speed training, 1 minute fast, 1 minute slow)
friday - chest and light shoulders (including back) (I pitch in baseball so heavy shoulders is out)
saturday - running (5 miles a little slower pace)
sunday - off (usually baseball on sundays, but that's not a really intense workout)

wish me luck, I'm shooting for a body fat % of around 12% or less by end of summer. I'm at about 15.2% right now, I think it's doable.


  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    So now that I have a BMI of around 24 and my stomach is back to (pretty much) flat I'm changing my routine.

    I used to do 4 days of cardio and 2 days of weights. But now I'm going to switch it to 3 days of weights and 3 days of cardio.

    I am going to concentrate on 1 area of the body for each weight training day and use circuits so I keep my heart rate up (plus I don't have the time to do a regular weight regimen)

    My routine will be
    Monday - core (abs, obliques, and glutes)
    tuesday - running (4 miles)
    wednesday - legs (quads, hamis, calves, shins)
    thursday - running (4 miles 1 minute speed training, 1 minute fast, 1 minute slow)
    friday - chest and light shoulders (including back) (I pitch in baseball so heavy shoulders is out)
    saturday - running (5 miles a little slower pace)
    sunday - off (usually baseball on sundays, but that's not a really intense workout)

    wish me luck, I'm shooting for a body fat % of around 12% or less by end of summer. I'm at about 15.2% right now, I think it's doable.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    sounds like a great plan and I think you will be seeing results soon!

    hugs and you go boy....the hulk has nothing on the BANKS!!!:wink:

  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    Just reading your routine made me tired Banks!!! Good luck, I hope you burn that fat quickly!

    I would be thrilled with only 15% body fat at this point. I am probably sitting at 18-20%. But hey....I am down 30+ pounds and know that I can keep going to reach my ultimate goal of 55 pounds total!

  • bodibykelli
    bodibykelli Posts: 135
    Congrats on the numbers (and your flat stomach :happy: ).....your plan looks great!!!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Thanks guys! It's not a monumental change, but it's one I think I need considering that I want to actually push my weight back up a good 5 to 10 lbs. I was 200 lbs in college and playing rugby 6 days a week, I was pretty much in perfect shape (aside from the binge drinking rugby players partake in way more often then we should). I don't have any delusions about getting back to that level of fitness, but I would like to be in the same general area if it's at all possible. Over the last 13 years I have slowly gone downhill to the point I was in last summer (which was 233 lbs, pretty flabby, and out of breath just running from home to 2nd base, which is only 60 yards), I was a size 40 pants and really not happy about my apperance. Plus I was at about a 29 BMI or so, and my triglycerides were high.

    Am I proud of what I have done since that low point? Sure I am, but more to the point, I feel I am finally in charge of my body again, it's wonderful to know that if I want to, I CAN shape my apperance and make myself (generally) into the person I want to be! And I am a science guy, so knowing all the numbers and processes that my body needs to perform is very high in my mind, so I study a lot, and research even more.

    WARNING Self-indulgent!!! I also like to feel appreciated, which is one of the reasons I like to share all my info on line here. It's not the only reason, I'm not THAT narcisistic, I also like confirmation of my info, and really do feel like to help if I find out pertenant information that I can share, but at least a small part of it is the knowledge that people find me learned on the subject of health and fitness. I guess pride is one of my vices! :ohwell:
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member

    Monday - core (abs, obliques, and glutes)
    tuesday - running (4 miles)
    wednesday - legs (quads, hamis, calves, shins)
    thursday - running (4 miles 1 minute speed training, 1 minute fast, 1 minute slow)
    friday - chest and light shoulders (including back) (I pitch in baseball so heavy shoulders is out)
    saturday - running (5 miles a little slower pace)
    sunday - off (usually baseball on sundays, but that's not a really intense workout)

    Banks - I know you said your wife teaches Body Pump classes. I have just reached the point where I can do most of the class with a 20lb bar. Biceps and Triceps I have to back down to 15lbs. I want a similar workout routine to the one you detailed but I rely on that body pump class because when I do weights on my own I don't push myself enough. I saw a post recently about someone who does "push" exercises one day and "pull" another day. Any credibility to this? I cannot afford a trainer right now, so I would love some advise on how to set up a routine that will take me to the next level. I am running the same as you - 4 miles consistently. I am just under 23 BMI so I am in a similar stage as you in that respect as well.

    so based on the schedule at my gym I am thinking about Bodypump on Mondays and Thursdays, Cardio Tuesdays, Wednesday, Friday and hopefully Bodypump on Saturdays (this conflicts with my son's baseball games! GUILT). If I cannot get to bodypump on Saturdays, I will try and buddy up with someone at the gym to learn how to use the meathead part of the gym properly!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member

    Monday - core (abs, obliques, and glutes)
    tuesday - running (4 miles)
    wednesday - legs (quads, hamis, calves, shins)
    thursday - running (4 miles 1 minute speed training, 1 minute fast, 1 minute slow)
    friday - chest and light shoulders (including back) (I pitch in baseball so heavy shoulders is out)
    saturday - running (5 miles a little slower pace)
    sunday - off (usually baseball on sundays, but that's not a really intense workout)

    Banks - I know you said your wife teaches Body Pump classes. I have just reached the point where I can do most of the class with a 20lb bar. Biceps and Triceps I have to back down to 15lbs. I want a similar workout routine to the one you detailed but I rely on that body pump class because when I do weights on my own I don't push myself enough. I saw a post recently about someone who does "push" exercises one day and "pull" another day. Any credibility to this? I cannot afford a trainer right now, so I would love some advise on how to set up a routine that will take me to the next level. I am running the same as you - 4 miles consistently. I am just under 23 BMI so I am in a similar stage as you in that respect as well.

    so based on the schedule at my gym I am thinking about Bodypump on Mondays and Thursdays, Cardio Tuesdays, Wednesday, Friday and hopefully Bodypump on Saturdays (this conflicts with my son's baseball games! GUILT). If I cannot get to bodypump on Saturdays, I will try and buddy up with someone at the gym to learn how to use the meathead part of the gym properly!

    Hmm, oh, you are truely stretching my limits. :tongue:
    I'm probably not the best one to ask about weight training routines, there are others on here that are better then me at that. I do know this, bodypump, while one of the best mixes of cardio and weight that I have ever seen, is still mostly a tone class. So if you're looking to do real muscle building, it's probably not the right place to do it (it's GREAT for strengthening existing muscles, but doesn't really do a lot for increasing muscle from what I have read on how muscles actually increase in size, and what my wife's trainer has told me.) I could actually be completely wrong in this as I really am an amateur at the weight training thing (I always had a strength coach in Highschool and college to tell me what to do, so I never really paid that close attention to the routines).

    I guess what we need to know first is your goals, are you looking to tone existing muscles (are you happy with your overall shape and just want the muscles tigher and stronger?) or are you looking to do a little body shaping, by that I mean build a little muscle in places that aren't very defined.
    Please note that I separate body shaping from body building in that shaping adds small amounts of new muscle mass to help define and strengthen groups, where I define building as adding significant amounts of muscle to areas to re-proportion your body style and pretty much completely change your appearance. these may not be the right terms, sorry for that, but I know the difference is one of style and type of exercise as well as sets, rest period, nutritional balance, and weight levels.

    As to a day of pulling and a day of pushing. No clue whether that is right or wrong. I do "areas", which my wife as confirmed as an ok way to do it. By that I mean, the routine I stated at the top. Picking an area of muscles and working that area. The benefits of that (from what I have researched) are the ability to work the smaller support muscles (as well as the major muscles) all at the same time and know that they all have the same amount of rest and recovery time. Believe it or not (again from what I have researched) the small supporting muscles in our body do a lot of the work to keep our bones in the right spot, larger muscles from overworking, keep us stable when we do physical activities, and generally lighten the load of the large muscle groups.

    Can anyone else with more weight training experience please chime in on this one? Maybe Songbirdsweetie, I know you are better at this stuff then me. Can you tell us whether this is right, wrong, or just plain sillyness?
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Can anyone else with more weight training experience please chime in on this one? Maybe Songbirdsweetie, I know you are better at this stuff then me. Can you tell us whether this is right, wrong, or just plain sillyness?

    I haven't seen her post in a while?

    But you gave me some ideas!

    I am still trying to tone not build. I have very weak abs that I have been ignoring so that will be my goal for May in addition to establishing this new routine. The gym cuts back on the frequency of classes during the summer months so I will need to find a way to stay on track without the crutch of the classes.
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    We're in your corner South Paw!


    You guy were also talking about getting advise from, the correct user name is, Songbyrdsweet.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I am no expert by any stretch of the imagination - and actually have questions.

    Is there a reason you are only doing one area a week - chest once a week, legs once a week? Is it a time constraint? I can hit every major muscle group in about 30 minutes, but I only hit it once or twice (so once for upper abs, once for lower, once for biceps, etc). Does it bulk you up better if you concentrate on one muscle once a week, or do most of them 3 times a week?

    The running will lower the body fat, I'm sure. Those Boston Marathoners don't look like they have an ounce on them. I don't know about the weight routine - if one way is better than the other.

    So, I'm being completely unhelpful :laugh:
  • DianneLynn
    DianneLynn Posts: 156 Member
    I'm really glad that you are including 3 days of weights Banks...I think you will get where you are going alot faster and you will maintain your goal weight alot easier!

    Good Luck..sounds like a great plan!

    My P/T has me on 3 days resistance weight training including core and two days cardio. Every exercise is taken to failure. When its easy...ya just pump it up weightwise...UGH!

    Weekends OFF are my reward for exercising the 5 days but if i want to do some pleasure exercise such as bike riding, hiking, swimming etc...I can and probably will.
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    Sounds great!!! Good luck!!! :drinker:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    I am no expert by any stretch of the imagination - and actually have questions.

    Is there a reason you are only doing one area a week - chest once a week, legs once a week? Is it a time constraint? I can hit every major muscle group in about 30 minutes, but I only hit it once or twice (so once for upper abs, once for lower, once for biceps, etc). Does it bulk you up better if you concentrate on one muscle once a week, or do most of them 3 times a week?

    The running will lower the body fat, I'm sure. Those Boston Marathoners don't look like they have an ounce on them. I don't know about the weight routine - if one way is better than the other.

    So, I'm being completely unhelpful :laugh:

    Yeah, it's a myth that you have to train a muscle group every 2 or 3 days. Some trainers don't even want you to do that. You can get a perfectly good workout by training high weight for long cycles once a week(I don't train to failure because I want longer repetitions and less variety, but I also don't Isolate, so training to failure would be much harder for me. I always try to do routines that work at least 2 muscles at a time, sometimes you can't, but dem's the breaks).
    I guess if I had the time, I would isolate and work to failure, but that would probably take well over an hour and I don't have that kind of time to train (your talking at least 6 or 7 different routines with that for any given group). I get 45 minutes for lunch, and my commute is far too long to consider after work workouts (about 1.5 hours each way after a 9 hour day, no thank you!)
    I don't like working multiple muscle groups because I like to work them hard, and then give them a nice long time to rest, and if I did that with every group, I would only be able to lift once a week, and that's very inefficient. Plus, I would be a complete lump of jello after a full body workout like that. Unable to move for a few hours. for me, if I'm not grunting and struggling on the 4th set, I didn't push myself hard enough, that's just me, but that's how I like to work.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I am no expert by any stretch of the imagination - and actually have questions.

    Is there a reason you are only doing one area a week - chest once a week, legs once a week? Is it a time constraint? I can hit every major muscle group in about 30 minutes, but I only hit it once or twice (so once for upper abs, once for lower, once for biceps, etc). Does it bulk you up better if you concentrate on one muscle once a week, or do most of them 3 times a week?

    The running will lower the body fat, I'm sure. Those Boston Marathoners don't look like they have an ounce on them. I don't know about the weight routine - if one way is better than the other.

    So, I'm being completely unhelpful :laugh:

    Yeah, it's a myth that you have to train a muscle group every 2 or 3 days. Some trainers don't even want you to do that. You can get a perfectly good workout by training high weight for long cycles once a week(I don't train to failure because I want longer repetitions and less variety, but I also don't Isolate, so training to failure would be much harder for me. I always try to do routines that work at least 2 muscles at a time, sometimes you can't, but dem's the breaks).
    I guess if I had the time, I would isolate and work to failure, but that would probably take well over an hour and I don't have that kind of time to train (your talking at least 6 or 7 different routines with that for any given group). I get 45 minutes for lunch, and my commute is far too long to consider after work workouts (about 1.5 hours each way after a 9 hour day, no thank you!)
    I don't like working multiple muscle groups because I like to work them hard, and then give them a nice long time to rest, and if I did that with every group, I would only be able to lift once a week, and that's very inefficient. Plus, I would be a complete lump of jello after a full body workout like that. Unable to move for a few hours. for me, if I'm not grunting and struggling on the 4th set, I didn't push myself hard enough, that's just me, but that's how I like to work.

    Are you sure about that? I know I've seen numerous accounts in health books about muscles losing approximately 50% of their performance within about 72 hours of disuse.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member

    Yeah, it's a myth that you have to train a muscle group every 2 or 3 days. Some trainers don't even want you to do that. You can get a perfectly good workout by training high weight for long cycles once a week(I don't train to failure because I want longer repetitions and less variety, but I also don't Isolate, so training to failure would be much harder for me. I always try to do routines that work at least 2 muscles at a time, sometimes you can't, but dem's the breaks).
    I guess if I had the time, I would isolate and work to failure, but that would probably take well over an hour and I don't have that kind of time to train (your talking at least 6 or 7 different routines with that for any given group). I get 45 minutes for lunch, and my commute is far too long to consider after work workouts (about 1.5 hours each way after a 9 hour day, no thank you!)
    I don't like working multiple muscle groups because I like to work them hard, and then give them a nice long time to rest, and if I did that with every group, I would only be able to lift once a week, and that's very inefficient. Plus, I would be a complete lump of jello after a full body workout like that. Unable to move for a few hours. for me, if I'm not grunting and struggling on the 4th set, I didn't push myself hard enough, that's just me, but that's how I like to work.

    So what you are saying is it's your preference? You'll get results either way? I get bored doing weights fairly quickly. My class, which I like, does stuff like bicep curls with squats, or lunges with chest rows, etc. When I do them at home, I do a video (like BL sculpt) and occasionally do weights at the gym on machines. So I'm doing three different weights workouts a week. What do you think?

    Please give me your blessing on my workout :bigsmile:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member

    Are you sure about that? I know I've seen numerous accounts in health books about muscles losing approximately 50% of their performance within about 72 hours of disuse.

    I never heard that before, but I did check with my trainer. 50% after 3 days? That sound's a little short. But I'm definitely not an expert at this stuff. If I have time I'll check with some of my reference sites. Anyone else know? I know it takes 2 to 3 days just for a muscle to recover fully from weight training if you are training correctly.

    I wonder if you meant that they only have about 50% efficiency for 72 hours after heavy training because they are repairing themselves. THAT, I have heard. But that means you SHOULDN'T train with them until the 72 hours is up.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    So what you are saying is it's your preference? You'll get results either way? I get bored doing weights fairly quickly. My class, which I like, does stuff like bicep curls with squats, or lunges with chest rows, etc. When I do them at home, I do a video (like BL sculpt) and occasionally do weights at the gym on machines. So I'm doing three different weights workouts a week. What do you think?

    Please give me your blessing on my workout :bigsmile:

    Oh Mary, I appreciate your respect for me, but really, you don't want my blessing, I'm still learning this stuff too. You'd be much better off here:


    I know this is men's fitness, but it's still a great beginner weight training article.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    So what you are saying is it's your preference? You'll get results either way? I get bored doing weights fairly quickly. My class, which I like, does stuff like bicep curls with squats, or lunges with chest rows, etc. When I do them at home, I do a video (like BL sculpt) and occasionally do weights at the gym on machines. So I'm doing three different weights workouts a week. What do you think?

    Please give me your blessing on my workout :bigsmile:

    Oh Mary, I appreciate your respect for me, but really, you don't want my blessing, I'm still learning this stuff too. You'd be much better off here:


    I know this is men's fitness, but it's still a great beginner weight training article.

    Decent article. Sometimes I feel I'm more than a beginner, just because I listen to what people tell me. From the article, sounds like my class & video are ideal.

    Hopefully, someone will swoop in and give us an "ideal" weight routine - for either losing weight and/or lowering body fat.

    So, what does your wife say on this topic?
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member

    Decent article. Sometimes I feel I'm more than a beginner, just because I listen to what people tell me. From the article, sounds like my class & video are ideal.

    Hopefully, someone will swoop in and give us an "ideal" weight routine - for either losing weight and/or lowering body fat.

    So, what does your wife say on this topic?

    I told her my plan and she said it sounded about right for me. I imagine eventually I'll try to do more (like 2 days of cardio and 4 days of which 2 days will be one group and 2 days will be another, maybe throw light shoulders in with one of those)
  • greekgyrl02
    greekgyrl02 Posts: 123
    PMKELLY09, what would you like help with I can suggest some things for you to do