Tae Kwon Do and knees - a love hate relationship

Hi - Before my son was born 4 magical years ago I started Tae Kwon Do at an amazing Dojo in Calf. I loved it and went a few times a week for 3 mo until I found out I was preggo. So obviously I think I'm a ninja.

I was alot thinner then but still overweight. At the time I reaggrevated my bad knee and sprained my wrist. I'm alot heavier now but I would love to get back into classes soon. A great workout.

To the point - How do I help to prevent a knee disaster? Or other joints for that matter? We stretched well each class. I did not spar but did have contact with the pads.

Thanks :)


  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    Hi! I'm a martial arts student, too. I am currently trying to strength my knees. I've been doing squats and lunges and knee lifts. Some Glucosamine & Chondroitin Supplements might help as well. I've heard also that fish oil supplements can help joint funtion. I hope this gives you a few ideas to research.
  • carreen
    carreen Posts: 175 Member
    I take TaeKwonDo as well and have for 11 years. I love it. First of all, check with your doctor to make sure it's ok for you to go if you have an injury. Then, let your TKD instructor know about it before you start. He/She will understand if you have to modify some of the workout.

    I made the mistake of taking off too long after a torn calf muscle (a year), then going back was SOOOO hard. Not only had I put on weight, but I was so out of shape that lower belts were kicking my butt......embarrasing!!! I'm a 4th degree Black Belt; it doesn't look good when the red belts are outdoing you. :embarassed:

    Start slow, and work back up to where you were, and ALWAYS warm your muscles up before class. Not warming up was how I tore the calf muscle.

    Good luck!!
  • danacriley
    Thanks ladies for the info. Good advice. I will work on strengthening, look into the supplements, and get checked out as well soon :)

    PS Getting your butt kicked by lower betls - too funny. I'm just a whilte belt but i did well i think in the classes i think.. I pretty much had to be paired with guys because i rocked the girls and i'd get yelled @ for pulling back :( Except for this one firefighter lady lol. She almost knocked me down kickin the pads i was holding haha.

  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    I had some serious pain in one knee when I first started TKD as well.. I was already in physio for other issues (man TKD is hard on the lower limbs!) so I asked the PT about it..she recommended serveral excersises specific to my knee pain and it helped me pretty quickly. Basically she explained I needed to strengthen those muscles in order to support my knee.