New to MFP!

Hi everyone!
A little about me!
I have been overweight all my life, growing up eating whatever mom knew we loved. I never cared really, I was happy. It wasn't until this last year I began seriously considering my health, and getting older. I saw pictures of myself since being married, and all the weight that I had gained in 10 years. I knew I needed to do something. July of last year I saw my sister, whom most considered us to be twins, go through gastric bypass. I was so worried about her health (she started out being chronically anemic and had other issues) but went ahead any way. I decided I could do it, I think it was pride at this point!
Well, I first started walking, a half mile and I was done! I was worn out! I continued doing that half mile every day. Day by day I found myself less tired and wanting to try more. Then the scale began to move! It wasn't until January that I decided I needed to do something about the food aspect. It wasn't until recently I found MFP, added the app to my phone and log everything. It is so helpful and I am so glad I found it! I am down 43 pounds, and 2 sizes in my clothing. I have not been under the 300 pound mark in a long time. It was a really happy day for me!
So here I am, on my daily journey. I enjoying reading some of the posts as there are days I weigh and am so discouraged because of my hard work. Yet those days the scales don't seem to show that. I am keeping on any way. There is nothing that makes me feel better than to close out the day knowing I kept on keeping on!


  • Congratulations on the weight loss Jade, be proud of yourself because that is not easy to do and keep up the good work.
  • miissalexandria
    miissalexandria Posts: 430 Member
    Your story moved me. Your determinate is amazing. Keep it up!
  • Thanks guys! Yall are so kind!