Upcoming Holidays/Season challenge

HI Guys,
I'm just wondering how you are planning to cope with the big chanllenge that is coming up during theses upcoming season?
Halloween you are sorunded by sweet apple pies, cider, candy etc. All the good food of Thanksgiving, Christmas, New year Eve etc. The hardest thing is that everyone is going to be eating around you.

My approach will be to drink a large glass of water before i start eating, try hard to stay concious of my goal, and when i do eat try eat in small portion and workout super hard. However I probably should not be going too crazy over this. As long as you dont fall off the wagon is not going to kill you. It takes alot for your body to gain weight and for your body to lose weight, after you eat bad we just need to make sure we go right back to our healthy eating hobby. Now if you decide to over do it by eating bad all the time you probably going to gain more than 2-3 LBS during the year end holidays.

"Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It's the courage to continue that counts." ~Winston Churchill


  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I'm not a big fan of dessert but a fan of carbs (cereal mainly) so for thanksgiving I’ll just decline pie and my mashed potatoes are made with skim milk and bit of margarine so not much fat there. Halloween I just CANT buy candy (going to a party and I don't have kids so I'm not giving any to the neighbours - yea I’m a meanie lol!) b/c that can be deadly especially when its 75% off Nov 1st, ah temptation!!!

    Christmas - I'm just going to have to say no, everyone be STRONG! Just ‘cause everyone else is doing it be the one that looses weight during x-mas then be the envy of everyone Jan 1st when they re-start their diets.

    Keep going on drinking water, studies have shown it is effective in helping you loose weight. Also, try putting your fork down between bites, give your brain time to realize when you are full.
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    there's an ongoing pre-holiday challenge you can join and are welcome at:

  • Tuplatano
    Tuplatano Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks alot Heather.
    I will be following your advise. I'm with you on the Halloween candies (I guess we are both meanie lol.)
    Water does helps alot, when i lost weight before water played a major part. its flushed all the chemicals out of my body and even the tone of my skin was looking better. I think that by just subtituting all your daily liquid intake (diet soda, juice, beer etc) with water you can loose .5 - 1LBS per week.

    You are strong woman i wish you the best of luck on your goal..