Maintenance Friends Request

I am looking for friends who can help me with my goals, give great advice and be a support for me. I lost 26 lbs after getting in a contest at the start of the year. I had really never lifted weights until the contest and have found I really enjoy it, however I dont know what I am doing and have found that my back is killling me. I am 46 and know that my body will take longer to heal between workouts but I need friends who can help me with a program to follow or just give me moral support so I can go from losing weight to looking great by the pool. I lost all that weight so fast by high intensity intervals on the treadmill and eliptical, lifting weights and diet. I coach a travel ball team and want to pass on this new healthy lifestyle to the kids I coach. If you are active on MFP, please add me. I log in every day almost hourly and hope I can be a great friend back. I credit MFP for my success and will give back as much as I can. I kinda feel like the loner on the playground begging for friends. Will you please be my friend :) To all my future friends....PLAY BALL !!


  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    feel free too add me, having new friends is always good :) well done as well!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Not sure how much I can help, you seem to know what you are doing. But I also log every day and in maintenance (well, actually trying to gain a little at the moment). Feel free to add me.