Stronglift 5x5: Feel like I need more variety

So I have been working through the program for a few months but I started to notice some imbalances. My quads have gotten really strong but my hamstrings haven't. I was noticing a few issues from this and have cut back on the program to a certain extent. I am stalling out my squats by not adding anymore weight, lowering my deadlifts to a weight I can do 3 sets of 5 (instead of one) and will probably add weight as long as I can maintain the 3x5, and adding in lunges and hamstring curls.

I really have no idea what I am doing except that my hamstrings are now getting stronger and are participating in the DOMS party. Is this just stupid? or any other ideas... or should I just keep with the original program?

I also run.. so that definitely helps the quad strength.


  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    I did SL5x5 for 12 weeks. I liked the program and saw great gains during the 12 weeks but I was getting burnt out doing squats every workout. I just switched up my program to a 4 day split including all of the compound lifts but adding in a few other exercises to hit target area like Hamstrings. I am in my 2nd week and like it a lot.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I haven't reached any stalls yet with this program but perhaps you can try different variations of the squat? Front squat, Bulgarian split squats, wide stance squats?

    I think you should definitely continue with the program and see where it takes you. The program calls for a 10% decrease in weight if you are stalled for the second and third time, I believe.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    One thing might be your squat form. If you don't go low enough, you won't engage your hamstrings and glutes properly. I had to switch to a different squat type (goblet) and also alternate with weighted barbell glute bridges because I wasn't getting good form. It was causing an imbalance that was causing knee pain.

    Sounds like a decent change you're trying. If you could videotape your squat, you can post it somewhere for people to give form feedback on.