What's up with Intermittent Fasting?



  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Pre agriculture Humans survived just fine on a feast or famine so I don't see why everyone thinks fasting or on the flip side eating 6 meals a day affects your metabolism. Giving your body toxic waste is the real problem. Too many chemicals in the food we eat. You don't see many obese people that eat organic meats and vegetables do we?? I would think a lot less diabetes, cancer and pill poppers as well. Eat when your hungry and eat well. This is shift I am working towards.
    They survived, with a much less lifespan, because they didnt have the luxury of having an overabundance of food at every step of the way. They went on feast or famine becuase there was no other way. They had to eat when they could.

    Do I see obese people eating organic meats and vegetables? No, I see them eating garbage and a ton of calories. What is making them fat isnt the chemicals and such, but all the fat and calories they are consuming.

    I would venture to say that a pretty good % of those who eat organic meats and veggies are the same people who care about what they look like and take care of their bodies better, exercise and caloric intake.

    All other things being equal, if person A eats 5k cal a day of garbage food, and person B eats 5k a day of organic food they both are going to end up being well overweight.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member

    I have done a lot of research on this subject but never have done it myself. I personally feel it is not the healthiest thing to do and my personal priority is to maintain health, not just lose weight.
    Intermittent fasting is when you go x amount of days/hours without eating and then continue eating as normal (or on a specific diet plan). It ranges between fasting, the most common i have seen is one full day of fasting, usually sunday, per week.
    This does put your body into starvation mode and there are a lot of 'benifits' to it, or so people think. As a personal trainer I am not a nutritionist but from what i know i would never suggest this for anyone in any way as food is fuel and the best way to increase your metabolism is through proper meal frequency and exercise. With everything I know, this does stop your metabolism after no eating and you have to start over, but there are 'studies' that show otherwise, which i personally see as bogus, but the best thing to do is your own research and see the benifits/risks for yourself. Any questions about this or anything, feel free to email me bodiesbytravis@gmail.com

    Proof positive that personal trainers are often just as ignorant and clueless as anybody else.

    Do not listen to this man. He doesn't have a clue what he's talking about on this subject.

    :laugh: Tell us how you really feel. As a IF'r I understand what you are saying though.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    Pre agriculture Humans survived just fine on a feast or famine so I don't see why everyone thinks fasting or on the flip side eating 6 meals a day affects your metabolism. Giving your body toxic waste is the real problem. Too many chemicals in the food we eat. You don't see many obese people that eat organic meats and vegetables do we?? I would think a lot less diabetes, cancer and pill poppers as well. Eat when your hungry and eat well. This is shift I am working towards.
    They survived, with a much less lifespan, because they didnt have the luxury of having an overabundance of food at every step of the way. They went on feast or famine becuase there was no other way. They had to eat when they could.

    Do I see obese people eating organic meats and vegetables? No, I see them eating garbage and a ton of calories. What is making them fat isnt the chemicals and such, but all the fat and calories they are consuming.

    I would venture to say that a pretty good % of those who eat organic meats and veggies are the same people who care about what they look like and take care of their bodies better, exercise and caloric intake.

    All other things being equal, if person A eats 5k cal a day of garbage food, and person B eats 5k a day of organic food they both are going to end up being well overweight.

    You hit the nail on the head.
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member

    I have done a lot of research on this subject but never have done it myself. I personally feel it is not the healthiest thing to do and my personal priority is to maintain health, not just lose weight.
    Intermittent fasting is when you go x amount of days/hours without eating and then continue eating as normal (or on a specific diet plan). It ranges between fasting, the most common i have seen is one full day of fasting, usually sunday, per week.
    This does put your body into starvation mode and there are a lot of 'benifits' to it, or so people think. As a personal trainer I am not a nutritionist but from what i know i would never suggest this for anyone in any way as food is fuel and the best way to increase your metabolism is through proper meal frequency and exercise. With everything I know, this does stop your metabolism after no eating and you have to start over, but there are 'studies' that show otherwise, which i personally see as bogus, but the best thing to do is your own research and see the benifits/risks for yourself. Any questions about this or anything, feel free to email me bodiesbytravis@gmail.com

    Calls himself personal trainer and dont know **** about how the body reacts to IF! Peace out bro lol!
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    I go back and forth with IF -- I'll go months doing 16/8, then months just eating three smaller meals at normal times, then go back to 16/8. I've noticed that I tend to lose a bit faster when I'm doing IF, even though I eat the same number of calories and exercise the same way.

    When I'm doing 16/8 it's exactly what it sounds like: I fast for 16 hours, then have an 8-hour window in which I eat. It's usually something like fasting from 8PM-12PM, then eating from 12PM-8PM (sometimes my fasting window widens simply because I don't get hungry again after dinner and so skip my bedtime snack). This means I have my morning coffee, then nothing until lunch. I eat a moderate-to-small lunch, usually have a midafternoon snack, enjoy a big dinner, and sometimes have a bedtime snack. It's really easy for me to stick to, since I'm not much of a breakfast eater but really enjoy midafternoon snacks and big dinners.

    It's really just a way to customize your eating patterns to take advantage of your natural hunger and/or social eating cycles. Some people love a big, calorie-dense breakfast and so might choose to fast from 4PM-8AM instead. Some people like to go all out on weekends and so might have whole fast days during the week -- say, Tuesday and Thursday -- to free up calories for Friday through Sunday. I like the IF system a lot because it seems so perfect for tailoring to individual needs and preferences (and, like I said way up there, I do seem to lose more easily and quickly when I do it, even with the same calories).