
ajpcv Posts: 4 Member
Hello. I joined MFP over a year ago, but I've never checked out the community section. Since I'm clicking around I thought I'd introduce myself. I've never had a weight problem, but when I moved in with my then boyfriend, now husband, I found myself falling into a typical problem, when he ate I ate. Being a guy, he has higher energy needs than I do, so, of course I found myself putting on a pound or two. Looking for a simple calorie tracker, I was overjoyed to find MFP. I'm not too diligent, but am trying, and have managed to maintain.
Figuring out my 'activity level' was a trial. As a night nurse working 12hr sifts my activity level can be all over the place. A slow night on and I can sit all night (drinking LOTS of coffee), while a busy day off I may never sit down (errands!). When I sleep and for how long is ALL over the place. I settled on 'Lightly Active' but if I'm hungry (for reals, not bored) I eat regardless of where my calories are that day. Any other nurses (or shift workers in general) in this situation? I've been doing okay for now, but I think if I needed to loose I'd invest in a BodyMedia FIT to track my calorie burn.
I gave my hubby one as a gift (after I asked him if he'd like it, not a hint he's fat!) and he likes it a lot. In fact, his only complaint was the food logging, he preferred my MFP! So excited he can now link them. Any tips or trouble shooting would be welcome.