Trouble Meeting Calorie Goal



  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Well the whole "Go Drinking" thing isn't a good idea when the legal drinking age is 21. At least it is here.

    All I hear from you is "I can't."
    Go eat a freaking burger and stop making this posts.
    This is like your 3rd one.
    Major buzzkill.

    Quite ironic coming from someone who has resorted to gastric sleeve when she has in fact lost a considerable amount of weight before without such a procedure but instead this time has decided she just "can't".

    Actually, most of your posts are really ironic because of that whole situation.

    When did I say that I "just can't"?
    I'm doing something that I believe will help me lose weight and maintain that weight loss.
    Are you denying that the solution is to eat more?
    Because I don't actually see how that's ironic.

    I'm pretty sure the "can't" is implied with the decision that you've made.

    I am not really addressing anything with the OP, just how you chose to respond to this and numerous other threads critiquing other people's approaches to weight loss, fitness, "healthy" choices and "normal" habits.

    If it's so easy to just eat, shouldn't it in turn be just as easy to stop eating?

    It doesn't seem like he's having trouble emotionally with eating more, or that he's too full to eat more.
    He's cutting things out of his diet that are in my opinion things that would help him reach his calorie goal.

    Explaining this to him in words other than "how'd you get fat" would have been far better received. Many people who try to lose weight believe that they can only eat clean, and that's not true. They DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER. There's no need to belittle him and be a bee with an itch.

    This is not his first post on the subject.

    Someone made a redundant post on MFP?! *gasp* Say it ain't so!

    Which is why he knows better.
    Which is why this was pointless in the first place.
    Which is why it is so very frustrating.
    Excuse me while I itch my b, as you put it.
  • editorkim
    editorkim Posts: 27 Member
    A calorie deficit is the only way to lose, and there's no deficit if you eat as much as you burn. Everybody is different, obviously, but I have to beat my "goal" by at least 500 calories to lose. If I eat back my exercise calories, I won't lose an ounce. And as long as macros are met, energy shouldn't be an issue. Again, if you eat back what you burn, exercise is ineffective.
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    How did you get fat, then?

    Jeeze, you troll so many posts.

    But it is a legit question.
    How can someone who says they can't eat enough calories to reach their new goal that is a deficit, ever manage to take in enough calories to pack on enough fat to be on this site trying to lose weight?
    Why do we see this topic pretty much every single day, week after week, month after month, year after year?
    Isn't the normal complaint that healthy food cost more? So why can't the person afford to buy a medium serving of french fries each day? Surely that would up their calorie intake a bit.
    Maybe some mashed potatoes with butter and sour cream?
    Try using milk in coffee?
    Or even better, just drink milk? Whole, non diet, non skim, non reduced fat milk.
    A bagel?
    A hard boiled or fried egg?
    Non-diet salad dressing?
    Ice cream?
    A cookie?
    A plain old Coke or Pepsi.
    Sweet tea?
  • editorkim
    editorkim Posts: 27 Member
    Well the whole "Go Drinking" thing isn't a good idea when the legal drinking age is 21. At least it is here.

    All I hear from you is "I can't."
    Go eat a freaking burger and stop making this posts.
    This is like your 3rd one.
    Major buzzkill.

    Quite ironic coming from someone who has resorted to gastric sleeve when she has in fact lost a considerable amount of weight before without such a procedure but instead this time has decided she just "can't".

    Actually, most of your posts are really ironic because of that whole situation.

    When did I say that I "just can't"?
    I'm doing something that I believe will help me lose weight and maintain that weight loss.
    Are you denying that the solution is to eat more?
    Because I don't actually see how that's ironic.

    I'm pretty sure the "can't" is implied with the decision that you've made.

    I am not really addressing anything with the OP, just how you chose to respond to this and numerous other threads critiquing other people's approaches to weight loss, fitness, "healthy" choices and "normal" habits.

    If it's so easy to just eat, shouldn't it in turn be just as easy to stop eating?

    It doesn't seem like he's having trouble emotionally with eating more, or that he's too full to eat more.
    He's cutting things out of his diet that are in my opinion things that would help him reach his calorie goal.

    Explaining this to him in words other than "how'd you get fat" would have been far better received. Many people who try to lose weight believe that they can only eat clean, and that's not true. They DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER. There's no need to belittle him and be a bee with an itch.

    This is not his first post on the subject.

    Someone made a redundant post on MFP?! *gasp* Say it ain't so!

    QUOTE: "Never wrestle with a pig; you'll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it." ~ Irish proverb
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    How did you get fat, then?

    Jeeze, you troll so many posts.

    But it is a legit question.
    How can someone who says they can't eat enough calories to reach their new goal that is a deficit, ever manage to take in enough calories to pack on enough fat to be on this site trying to lose weight?
    Why do we see this topic pretty much every single day, week after week, month after month, year after year?
    Isn't the normal complaint that healthy food cost more? So why can't the person afford to buy a medium serving of french fries each day? Surely that would up their calorie intake a bit.
    Maybe some mashed potatoes with butter and sour cream?
    Try using milk in coffee?
    Or even better, just drink milk? Whole, non diet, non skim, non reduced fat milk.
    A bagel?
    A hard boiled or fried egg?
    Non-diet salad dressing?
    Ice cream?
    A cookie?
    A plain old Coke or Pepsi.
    Sweet tea?

    Thank you >>
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Well I hope the OP did take some helpful hints throughout this war of MFPals lol

    I tried to help, I don't understand all the limitations, I went to a small college, there werent a lot of questions answered, but alas ...
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Well I hope the OP did take some helpful hints throughout this war of MFPals lol

    I tried to help, I don't understand all the limitations, I went to a small college, there werent a lot of questions answered, but alas ...

    You probably helped the most, honestly.
    I think you're the only rational person in here, and most threads.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Well the whole "Go Drinking" thing isn't a good idea when the legal drinking age is 21. At least it is here.

    All I hear from you is "I can't."
    Go eat a freaking burger and stop making this posts.
    This is like your 3rd one.
    Major buzzkill.

    Quite ironic coming from someone who has resorted to gastric sleeve when she has in fact lost a considerable amount of weight before without such a procedure but instead this time has decided she just "can't".

    Actually, most of your posts are really ironic because of that whole situation.


    +2 and I thought she said she was leaving this thread...

    ETA: OP, peanut butter and trail mix are great fillers to help you meet your calorie goals.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    A calorie deficit is the only way to lose, and there's no deficit if you eat as much as you burn. Everybody is different, obviously, but I have to beat my "goal" by at least 500 calories to lose. If I eat back my exercise calories, I won't lose an ounce. And as long as macros are met, energy shouldn't be an issue. Again, if you eat back what you burn, exercise is ineffective.

    Uhmmm.... I eat back my exercise calories, and I'd say that exercise has done me a world of good. I'd go so far as to say, it's probably extending my life. 'Ineffective,' you say? I think not.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Well the whole "Go Drinking" thing isn't a good idea when the legal drinking age is 21. At least it is here.

    All I hear from you is "I can't."
    Go eat a freaking burger and stop making this posts.
    This is like your 3rd one.
    Major buzzkill.

    Quite ironic coming from someone who has resorted to gastric sleeve when she has in fact lost a considerable amount of weight before without such a procedure but instead this time has decided she just "can't".

    Actually, most of your posts are really ironic because of that whole situation.

    When did I say that I "just can't"?
    I'm doing something that I believe will help me lose weight and maintain that weight loss.
    Are you denying that the solution is to eat more?
    Because I don't actually see how that's ironic.

    I'm pretty sure the "can't" is implied with the decision that you've made.

    I am not really addressing anything with the OP, just how you chose to respond to this and numerous other threads critiquing other people's approaches to weight loss, fitness, "healthy" choices and "normal" habits.

    If it's so easy to just eat, shouldn't it in turn be just as easy to stop eating?

    so. much. win.
  • editorkim
    editorkim Posts: 27 Member
    A calorie deficit IS the only way to lose. If you eat back what you burn through exercise yet stay in a deficit, yes, you will lose. If you eat back every calorie you burn to the point where you go over your goal, you won't lose, making your workout ineffective FOR WEIGHT LOSS. Anyway, I was trying to be helpful, not start an argument. This thread's been hijacked and unfortunately probably not much help to the OP.

    To the OP: I stand by my advice. You don't need to stop exercising. A deficit is a good thing, as long as you FEEL okay, if your goal is to lose weight. If you don't have energy to work out, eat more. If you do, continue as you are and see whether you lose weight. As long as you're not lacking energy or starving (under 1,200), you're eating enough. Don't worry about it unless you're plateauing. Hope you found some help in these comments, and ignore the argumentative posters. As Mark Twain once said, "Arguing with an idiot only proves there are two."
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    So having surgery in order to assist my weight loss invalidates all of my opinions.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    So having surgery in order to assist my weight loss invalidates all of my opinions.

    I just said it was ironic.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    So having surgery in order to assist my weight loss invalidates all of my opinions.

    I just said it was ironic.

    Well enjoy continuing to tell him to eat peanut butter while he continues to tell you how impossible it is to get peanut butter in Boston.
    And enjoy doing so in his next thread.
    And the one after that.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    You don't have to agree with how someone loses weight, you can voice your opinion, but this thread turned UGLY.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    A calorie deficit IS the only way to lose. If you eat back what you burn through exercise yet stay in a deficit, yes, you will lose. If you eat back every calorie you burn, you won't lose, making your workout ineffective FOR WEIGHT LOSS. Anyway, I was trying to be helpful, not start an argument. This thread's been hijacked and unfortunately probably not much help to the OP.

    To the OP: I stand by my advice. You don't need to stop exercising. A deficit is a good thing, as long as you FEEL okay, if your goal is to lose weight. If you don't have energy to work out, eat more. If you do, continue as you are and see whether you lose weight. As long as you're not lacking energy or starving (under 1,200), you're eating enough. Don't worry about it unless you're plateauing. Hope you found some help in these comments, and ignore the argumentative posters. As Mark Twain once said, "Arguing with an idiot only proves there are two."

    Most threads go off on a tangent or two. This idiot would like to to point out that things said on this board are taken literally. If you say that exercise is pointless, you are going to be corrected. If you want to argue that eating back all your exercise calories is ineffective for weight loss, that's different.

    However, I also strongly disagree with your repeated use of the 1200 calories is OK. This kid is 6'1, about 230 now His goal is apparently 2140 calories per day. I'm a 53 year old, 5'8" sloth, and I'd fold up like an accordion, after a few days at 1200 calories. IMHO, your advice that if he's eating 1200 calories per day, that's enough, is wrong, and he'd be an idiot to listen to it. Furthermore, you don't specify if you are referring to NET calories, making your advice even worse. He could easily 'assume' by what you've written, that if he eats 1200 calories per day, and does 2 hrs on an elliptical every day, doesn't eat back those exercise calories, as you advise, that he'd still be doing 'great.'




    *edited because I'm an idiot*
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member

    However, I also strongly disagree with your repeated use of the 1200 calories is OK. This kid is I'm 6'1, about 230 now His goal is apparently 2140 calories per day. I'm a 53 year old, 5'8" sloth, and I'd fold up like an accordion, after a few days at 1200 calories. IMHO, your advice that if he's eating 1200 calories per day, that's enough, is wrong, and he'd be an idiot to listen to it.


    I agree!
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Not to mention the fact that largely I don't know how many calories some of the meals have. I had a Buffalo Chicken wrap today, and trying to enter it in was insane. There are literally dozens of calorie entries for the same food item, and I don't know which ones are accurate to the thing I've actually eaten.

    Hey there, saw you were a fellow Bostonian. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that your college uses Aramark.
    Their calories and nutritional info are all over the place. Apparently the salad bar where I'm at was 1,000 calories a serving with vegetables...ok.

    I would honestly say to eyeball it as much as you can in regards to inputting. Also, I skirted around that problem by taking stuff lto different stations, so it was easier for me to track stuff, and have more variety in my food. Worked really well at the pasta section of the dining hall, and made counting a bit easier by taking items I knew the nutritional values for to stations I wasn't entirely sure of.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    To the OP: Google "college cafeteria nutrition listings" and find your particular school. First glance showed me 7 different schools in the greater Boston area. If your particular institution isn't listed, it's a good bet that the company - be it Aramark, Sodexo, or another - serves another area campus which is listed.

    Good luck.