Fitbit Calories Burned



  • mongreen1
    mongreen1 Posts: 3 Member
    So just to absolutely clarify in case i missed something. If my fitbit automatically syncs to my MFP account, and i put all my food in as well. i can trust my 'net' calories on my front page? If so, I am massively undereating :/
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    If my fitbit automatically syncs to my MFP account, and i put all my food in as well. i can trust my 'net' calories on my front page?
    Enable negative calorie adjustments:

    If you don't, then you might not eat at a deficit on less active days.

    Disable Fitbit's calorie estimation:

    If you don't, then Fitbit will give you big adjustments on lazy days—it assumes you just forgot to wear your tracker.

    I ignore Fitbit's calorie goal & eat what MFP tells me to. It will take trial & error to find what works for you.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    The only exercise I log on fitbit/mfp are any circuit training dvds, and I always log from the exact time I started until the exact time I finished. Thanks all for the replies :)

    Then I would suggest putting on your fitbit right now while you are not exercising and let it log for the same amount of time as your circuit training DVD then see how many calories it says you have burned. If you subtract that number from the number of calories it says you burn from your workout that would be the number of calories you burn BECAUSE of the workout.

    Aaron you are way overcomplicating it. IME the Fitbit website takes into account the BMR element of exercise in its exercise database if additional exercise (eg running or swimming ie anything not walking) so the TDEE is pretty accurate (normal person to person biological variances excepted of course). Calorie burn is significantly lower than here and lower than my HRM but roughly equal to HRM+BMR for that time period.

    I have been using my Fitbit One and the Fitbit website (to log any exercise activity other than walking) to calculate my TDEE for 9 months now. I log this in a spreadsheet and also my calorie intake. My weightloss corresponds pretty closely( ie within approx 2-3%) of what I would expect to be seeing based on 1lb = 3500cals (variances probably through me guesstimating weight of veg or losing count of beer intake on a night out!). So I'm pretty confident that the process works (as long as the Fitbit is set up with weight, heigh, age, walking stride & running stride length).
  • mongreen1
    mongreen1 Posts: 3 Member
    If my fitbit automatically syncs to my MFP account, and i put all my food in as well. i can trust my 'net' calories on my front page?
    Enable negative calorie adjustments:

    If you don't, then you might not eat at a deficit on less active days.

    Disable Fitbit's calorie estimation:

    If you don't, then Fitbit will give you big adjustments on lazy days—it assumes you just forgot to wear your tracker.

    I ignore Fitbit's calorie goal & eat what MFP tells me to. It will take trial & error to find what works for you.

    Cool, I enabled negative calorie adjustment. I have my fitbit set to drop 1000 calories a day which is why i left myfitnesspal at my TDEE. If i was to have myfitnesspal on weight loss mode wouldnt it be doubling up?

    I walk about 15000 steps a day (crazy busy life) and eat about 1400 calories a day. I am overweight and never lose weight but i think its cos i have been undereating for years and am now trying to correct it. So i need to figure out what settings to put MFP and fitbit on so I am eating enough and hopefully as my body sorts itself out i will lose weight. My fitbit reckons i have already burnt 1644 calories today (which i understand is rest + activity) but that still seems like an awful lot.
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    That sounds right to me. I've hit my 10,000 steps today, including a 30 min jog and 46 flights of stairs, and I'm at 1,946 total calories so far. So I got like 500 extra calories to eat. (I have mine set to sedentary since I have a desk job and I'm at maintenance). I love my fitbit. It does underestimate for weightlifting obviously, but I just make sure to eat back every single calories I burn on those days.
  • mongreen1
    mongreen1 Posts: 3 Member
    I have 26kg to lose. Would it be better to eat my TDEE daily and not eat back my exercise points, or set up MFP to lose weight and eat as much as it tells me when it takes into account my exercise.

    Sorry for the annoying questions :/
  • daisysmamu
    daisysmamu Posts: 29 Member
    Sunday I took my Flex off to charge it and forgot to put it on again until sometime the next day. When I got my weekly report, it said Sunday was My Most Active Day!! How's that for accuracy!