challenge yourself... if your new to weight lose, read this.

bigred727 Posts: 50
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
if your wondering why the calorie counter is adding the calories you just burned...

when your trying to lose weight, you have to eat what you have burned in energy.. if you dont take in enuf calories, it puts your mind in starving mode, that will then start storeing fat because the mind believes that its starving, what you really want to do is spread your meals out, instede of eating 3 big meals, eat 5 or 6 small meals... breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner... you dont want to eat to get full, you only want to eat untill your not hungary, theres a differents... and breakfast is the most important meal, so eat a little more then... and dont eat past 6:00 p.m., everything turns to fat, most of it anyways... if you do eat past 6, eat a salad, fruit, something healthy...

one more thing, your mind takes 10 minutes to tell your stomach its full.. so when your eating and you dont feel hungary anymore, but you dont feel full, thats your sign to stop... and one more trick is to drink an 8 ounce glass of water before each meal, if your having trouble fighting the hunger... if you want to know more, have any questions, need advice, anything... just message me...


  • you eat back what you burn when you would like to maintain. otherwise you eat less than, but always over 1200 calories, to avoid starvation mode.

    I have been reading a fair bit about it and everyone seems so confused about eating back calories.
  • idk, ive been taking college course's, and im going by not only what ive learned, but my own experiences, i lost, 65 pounds in a month and a half, sounds impossible and crazzy, but i did... and ive been keeping it off pretty good sence...
  • 10lbs? 5kgs a week? that's completely insane and quite unhealthy.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    First of all, losing 65 lbs in a month in a half is most likely a VERY unhealthy thing to do to your body. That's nearly 11 lbs a week. Most medical experts recommend losing 1-3 lbs a week only. The maximum amount of body fat a healthy person can lose is about 3-4 pounds per week. And typically, only really obese people are likely to be able to lose this amount of fat. That means that any more than that you're likely burning up muscle too.

    Second, please use spell check, people are more likely to take you seriously if you can spell hungry, enough, storing, instead, etc correctly. I'm not the best at spelling either, but please consider using spell check if you're going to post advice articles.
  • ok.. when i was 15, i was almost 300 pounds... i did somethings in my past that i regret... well i got sent to juvenile boot camp, and i had never workout ever... i whent from never working out to wakeing up at 4:00 am running for 6 miles everyday, working out for 2 hours, and then randomly working out all through out the day... and no days off... so i didnt really have a choice... but i agree with you 100%... it wasnt healthy, and i dont recomend to anyone doing what i did in there either... but ever sence then i love working out, been studying it ever sence, all the workouts i do are baist on real boot camp, not these other programs you see on tv ... and your right about that... you shouldnt eat the whole amount of calories that you burn off, but you have to take a good amount of it back in... well, i hope i didnt confuse anybody about what i said about the weight lose info...

    and yes, i did hit a point where i did stop loseing so much... i had a very high % of body fat... once i lost most of it, it slowed down a lot...
  • need I say more.

    Don't lay claim that you're right when your circumstances were above and beyond normal.

    You're only going to throw out more confusion to people on here, and it's not really necessary.
  • when did i claim that i was right about losing so much weight so quick... read it clearer
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    ok.. when i was 15, i was almost 300 pounds... i did somethings in my past that i regret... well i got sent to juvenile boot camp, and i had never workout ever... i whent from never working out to wakeing up at 4:00 am running for 6 miles everyday, working out for 2 hours, and then randomly working out all through out the day... and no days off... so i didnt really have a choice... but i agree with you 100%... it wasnt healthy, and i dont recomend to anyone doing what i did in there either... but ever sence then i love working out, been studying it ever sence, all the workouts i do are baist on real boot camp, not these other programs you see on tv ... and your right about that... you shouldnt eat the whole amount of calories that you burn off, but you have to take a good amount of it back in... well, i hope i didnt confuse anybody about what i said about the weight lose info...

    and yes, i did hit a point where i did stop loseing so much... i had a very high % of body fat... once i lost most of it, it slowed down a lot...

    Well I think it's wonderful that you've found a love for working out! Rock on! :D And I read your profile and think it's very admirable that you want to help other people get in shape too. That's a wonderful thing to put your energy into - helping other people to get fit is an awesome goal! I wish you luck, hun! :D
  • Dispathio
    Dispathio Posts: 22 Member
    Are you saying that I have to eat more for the calories that I burn? I don't understand. I thought that by not eating the calories that I burned, it would help me lose weight faster. What is the point of excercise If I have to eat more...... I am confused. Pleas help!!!!
  • no, im saying spread the calories out, instede of eating 3 big meals, eat 5 smaller meals... breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and no you shouldnt eat the whole amount you burned off, but you have to take back in a good amount of them... so whatever your calorie intake is + the calories you burned add that and i would stay at least 100 calories under...
  • say your intake is 2000 calories a day, you at the whole amount, then you burn 800 to 1000 calories, now your intake is only 1200 1000 calorise, when you reach a low calorie count like that and your really active, your body will start to store fat because it needs that energy to be able to keep up with what your doing... but when you take more calories in after you have burned off so much your giving the body energy to re-builed the muscle and grow...

    say you burned 300 calories today, take back in 100 more calories...
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