46 yr female Trying to lose 20-25 lbs

HI Everyone,
so I've been on this mission for the past 3 years to finally get the weight off. I have a personal trainer who's awesome, she comes to my house, she kicks my butt, but Jeeze, it's taking me ages to lose 1 lb. I keep fluctating the same 5-7 lbs! I went to the doctor just in case; had all these tests done, and basically i'm pretty healthy, (As in, no sluggish thyroid, etc.). I am however going the premature menopause and that is definitely a factor! But c'moooon, people! I have a stella d'oro breakfast cookie and there goes the scale!

I work out 2-4 days a week for 30 minutes, I'm reallllllly trying to eat right, I juice, i detox, i'm really, no joke a pretty healthy eater, oh yeah, and I gave up drinking alcohol for Lent! (Trust me, that is a HUGE sacrifice since I do enjoy a glass or two of wine more often than I should). But my trainer was sure she'd see weight loss after this, and 22 days and counting without a glass of wine, and I haven't dropped any significant weight. I lost like 2 lbs but it went back up 3! I'm at my wits end.

Anyway, I'm just writing in hopes of getting some moral support. I'm not trying to be a model...I just feel like i gained some weight in my 30s, i was able to lose 31 lbs a few years ago, but those last 20 are killing me!

HELP! just some motivation!
I'm in Bellrose NY!


  • swissbrit
    swissbrit Posts: 201
    Hi 49 for the moment but not much longer :-/ It is possible just follow the calories in verses how many calories you need in a day with a deficit and you will get there
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member

    Congrats on making changes and sticking to them. It sounds like you just need to make some tweaks to get the ball rolling. What is your calories goal/day? What are your macros set to? These are important questions since you'll get the bulk of your results from what you do in the kitchen. Also, I think that you need to work out more. 30 minutes/day is good, as long as it is intense, but I think that you should be exercising more like 5-6 days/week.

  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Just turned 44 in January and this winter has been brutal. I lost about 20 lbs about 3 years ago and have gained 10 back and it's so much harder to lose it. All I know is that as we get older, our metabolism slows down more, meaning we'll have to up the exercise and eat less. That's the hard part for me. One more thing: add weight training to increase weight loss. Hope that helps.