What are some good ways to burn Calories



  • Im going to play the Just dance games, Its fun and I can burn calories without knowing im working out, ill also walk around too. :)
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    I dont Join a gym until soon, for the mean time Im at home, Im 5 foot 4 inches and weight 250. I cant do push ups because i get tired easily. I cant complete some excerise videos because i get tired easily and i cant complete it. I love Cardio expecially if its fun, I want to burn calories before i join a gym. what would you guys recommend?

    Nobody can do much at the start. ...That's sorta the point. If we could all do tons without having worked up to that level we wouldn't need to exercise. You do the little you can and each day, each week, try to do just a little bit more.

    That's how exercise works to produce beneficial effects. There's a technical term for it "Progressive Overload" which is a fancy way of saying that if you want to get fit you have to step out of your comfort zone a little and do stuff that's hard.

    If you can do 3 push-ups at a time do that. Tomorrow to do 4. etc.
  • B_TEEN
    B_TEEN Posts: 95 Member
    Videos - Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home series or Richard Simmon's
    Low Impact Activities - Walking, hiking, yoga, or swimming

    More importantly, really spend these beginning weeks understanding your food habits and keep a diary to log your all food in-take, fluid in-take, and physical activity. Once you build up stamina, your options will open up tremendously.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    Let me tell you. Whn I first went to the gym, I used the elliptical. 5 minutes and I was covered in sweat. And now 3 years later, earlier today, I hit the 40 mile mark for the week.
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    Lift and count calories. Fat will melt off.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys. I need to build my stamina and endurance, Walking i dont get tired, Also a Cardio video I can last 15 mins at best, Dancing i love to do, I can last awhile with some low impact zumba.
    15 minutes is 15 minutes more than 0 minutes. Do the 15 minutes.
    Do the 15 minutes enough times, and soon you'll be able to do 20. And eventually 30+

    When I started exercising, it was hard for me to even walk for 10 minutes. Now I can hike for miles.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys. I need to build my stamina and endurance, Walking i dont get tired, Also a Cardio video I can last 15 mins at best, Dancing i love to do, I can last awhile with some low impact zumba.

    Do what you love - that's the key to sustainability. Get on that low impact zumba! :drinker:

    P.S. I'm a huge fan of hiking myself.