Over eating when sad

Hi! So I don't really know if any can like help me with that but I'm like really motivated to eat healthy and not eat too many calories until I get sad. So if there is a day that I'm not in a good mood or something bad happens I completely lose focus and motivation and start eating or lot or eating bad food. I know it sounds like I should just control myself but in those moments I can't. I really find comfort in eating and I really don't know what to do about. It's so frustrating espacially since all the days before I was eating super healthy and being very motivated...


  • GreenEmbers
    Hi! I am in the same boat, I feel sad and I end up wanting to eat a huge amount of food. Exercise doesn't sound the greatest when you're sad, to me at least, but walking is great for lifting up your mood. Go for a walk for 30 minutes, it'll reduce your hunger AND bring up your mood. That's the experience I get for it.
  • zoquo
    zoquo Posts: 75
    I used to be the same, whenever i was sad i would eat, this was mostly as a teenager and young adult. I can't remember exactly when this changed and now if i am stressed i go the opposite way where i cant eat at all. Hmmm I do know that when i am sad putting some good angry music on or dance music to lift my spirits helps me now so this might help you break the mood, and also getting out into the fresh air and taking a walk or bike ride is also great advice. Perhaps now i am older i don't feel as negative as i used to. This can become a cycle - for me it was anyway. I would feel miserable then i would eat crap then feel miserable again because i ate crap. So i guess you need to focus on feeling happier more often as by finding ways to lift your mood you will avoid feeling so bad so often and falling into the food trap. Good luck and don't lose hope.

  • notwithoutsalt
    notwithoutsalt Posts: 25 Member
    I am the same way, it's so hard. Going for exercise wont worknsince i am mostly sad in the evening. With the kid i cant really leave. I started this diet 2 months ago. First month it kept falling apart. This month I was in my calories half of the days. So i guess there is hope. It just takes longer than i hoped. I need to keep the food and my mood seperate. I dont know how either