How to curve cravings?

I find myself munching on everything throughout the day and the calories really start to add up. I get hungry quite easily or i tend to eat when im stressed, bored, tired, or emotional. Im not sure how to curb my cravings or what foods i should eat to keep the hunger at bay, any suggestions? :)


  • tabathas1991
    tabathas1991 Posts: 4 Member
    I've always been told protein. So I pack a peanut butter sandwich as a snack. Breakfast for me is 2 eggs and 2 pieces of toast with milk usually and that's around 5:30am. Lunch is at 1:30pm so I have a long wait from breakfast to lunch. I'll usually eat half of the sandwich when I feel hungry (about 10am) along with 2 cups of water (eat slowly) then around 12 I'll eat the other half. Lunch I have more protein, usually chicken, and a starch and veggie. Usually long grain brown rice and broccoli. If you snack a lot substitute unhealthy items with healthy choices. Chips to sliced cucumber was my first big cut in snacking.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I find myself munching on everything throughout the day and the calories really start to add up. I get hungry quite easily or i tend to eat when im stressed, bored, tired, or emotional. Im not sure how to curb my cravings or what foods i should eat to keep the hunger at bay, any suggestions? :)
    If you are eating raw veggies the calories are quite reasonable. Celery is about 20 cals a stick, whole tomato is about 40. Simple carbs are the worst thing to snack on because the cals are high and simple carbs cause gastric dumping which is what makes you hungry 20 min after eating a 240 cal 3/4 oz bag of chips. If you had eaten about 2 cups of raw veg you would not be hungry and you would have only consumed around 100 calories. Increase your meat intake, meat sticks with you and fills you up.
  • Apocalypz
    Apocalypz Posts: 155 Member
    Agreed. Protein and sweet help me curb the cravings. Beans on toast for breakfast is brilliant. Snacks of dried or fresh fruit throughout the day. Tabatha makes a good point of eggs. You could also bring a hard boiled egg to the office with you as a snack for later. I only bring 2-3 ounces of nuts with me each day to ensure I don't overeat those high calorie/fat bits. Loads of flavoured water keep my hands/mouth busy. I'd rather flavoured water than fizzy drinks, and I keep up at least 8 a day while at work.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    There are a few options you could try:
    1. Fast for part of the day. Just as an example, if you typically don't feel like breakfast but snack a lot through the afternoon and evening, this helps keep your overall calorie intake in check.
    2. Have less frequent but larger meals. There is something about feeling full that tends to hold a lot of people over for a lot longer and generally more satiating than grazing. YMMV.
    3. Get rid of the high-calorie junk in the house if possible - remove the temptation.
    4. Have some pre-cut vegie sticks or something else low calorie that is easy to grab if you feel like snacking.
    5. Exercise. For many people exercise blunts apetite for a little while. At the very least it will burn some calories to offset the snacking.

    Really you have to try a few things and see what works best for you though.

    Oh and FYI, A peanut butter sandwich is NOT a protein snack!