Power 90

adrianhelen Posts: 31 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone done this? Is it a step down from P90X? I really want to do P90X but I think it might be too much for me. So then I saw the Power 90. I want to see what other people think about it.


  • It's a few steps down from P90X. It's an amazing workout, but the production value is more along the lines of more conventional workouts you'd see in the store. Other than the fact that this has multiple DVD's, bands, and a nutrition guide.
  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    While it is not anywhere near as extreme as P90X, P90 is a great start.
    It is especially good if you are new to working out or havent' already been doing another program.
    I LOVE it, and I also have P90X.
    I think it's a great base.
  • JoyD824
    JoyD824 Posts: 36 Member
    I have done p90 and did lose weight I am contemplating doing this program again - need to get back on track.

    It is a great place to start if you are just starting - follow the program and do it at your pace.


    PS - I am not a Beachbody Coach - just a person that has done the program and did experience success.
  • rockinmomto3
    rockinmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    Yeah, it's not nearly as tough as p90x. I don't personally enjoy the cardio workout that p90 has, but I really like the strength and abs. It's a good place to start though!
  • I am currently doing the Power 90 program. Today was day #22. I have a weigh in this morning for a Biggest Loser Challenge at my job so I can check current weight loss. As of last Wednesday (2 weeks in), between the Power 90 and using this site, I had lost 7 pounds. Not a lot I know, but a decent start to where I want to be.

    I chose Power 90 to start off with before moving on to P90x because I have a bad shoulder, have dislocated it a number of times. Was worried about the workout and found that Power 90 is a great way for me to start out and strengthen the shoulder more before hitting the 90x.

    Just another FYI. There is also a Power 90 Master Series which is one step closer to 90x. Myself, I am doing Power 90 from Sept - Dec. Going to do the Master Series from Dec - March. And then I am going to tackle the 90x from March -June. Gotta be ready to get to the beach and not feel self conscious about taking my shirt off. :)

    Best of luck to you and if you care to chat about Power 90, feel free to add me. :) Would love to help any way I can.

    And as Joy said on here, I am not a BeachBody Coach either, far from it ... LoL.
  • you want to start p90 again, i just did my first workout today and loved it! i have p90x but it is too extreme for me right now, ( i had back surgery 3 years ago) i;m only about 20 pounds overweight and have been working out off and on for years , religiously untils surgery. we could motivate each other

  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I'm doing Power 90 right now, on day 23. It works for me, since I can't always work out for 60-75 minutes like some of the workouts in P90X. Power 90's workouts at 30-45 minutes are easier for me to fit into my schedule.

    I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but I'm definitely feeling stronger and more toned since I started. I've moved up from 5 lb. to 8 lb. hand weights, and I'm seeing muscle tone in my sides, legs and arms.

    I love the flexibility of Power 90 - highly recommend it!
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