What is an appropriate body fat percentage for a female

I'm on the slow weight loss track. I am a 55 year old female, 5 1.5" and have lost 3 lbs. since starting with MFP and a fitness program two months ago at my workplace. I'm around 123 clothed, 121 unclothed. It's pretty slow progress, considering I'm trying to work with a net of around 1200, although sometimes I go over by 50 calories or so, like today. When I had my weigh in last month, I had lost .8% body fat, but now it's up again by .2%. My body fat is around 35% and seems to want to stay there, even though my weight and BMI are within "normal" range. Despite working out more (doing both cardio and weights) that body fat won't budge. What is normal body fat for a female my age? I have heard older people have more body fat and that's OK, but some of the websites say that 35% body fat is obese. My clothes are a lot looser, despite not losing that much, and I don't look that fat -- I wear about a size 6-8 pant and don't really have a belly.


  • CrazyLovelyMe
    Here is a chart for you http://www.builtlean.com/2010/08/03/ideal-body-fat-percentage-chart/ You fall in the average range now. 29% would just put you in the ideal range. It all depends on what you're comfortable with. Eat that protein and lift them weights!
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    This was a helpful sight. I'm in the high average for my age according to the chart. However, I also looked a the pictures and descriptions, and I look more like the 30% photo, not the 35%. He talks about 35% having hips over 40" and waist of around 32.5". I'm not anywhere near that. Typically, I take a size 28 or 29 jean, which is for a 28-29 waist and maybe a 37-38" hip. I wonder how accurate the device is that the trainers used for me. I do have triceps like a polish wrestler, though. There are muscles under there, but still a layer of fat hiding the definition.
  • Amelia7779
    Amelia7779 Posts: 53 Member
    How do you know what your body fat is? The scales are really inaccurate.
  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member
  • CrazyLovelyMe
    Tell me about it. I just had my body fat done by ultrasound, I almost had a heart attack on the spot. It said 30% and my scale reads 28% I don't match the 30% pictures myself. Oh well, have to get it down :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member

    From a females magazine that I copied from.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    This was a helpful sight. I'm in the high average for my age according to the chart. However, I also looked a the pictures and descriptions, and I look more like the 30% photo, not the 35%. He talks about 35% having hips over 40" and waist of around 32.5". I'm not anywhere near that. Typically, I take a size 28 or 29 jean, which is for a 28-29 waist and maybe a 37-38" hip. I wonder how accurate the device is that the trainers used for me. I do have triceps like a polish wrestler, though. There are muscles under there, but still a layer of fat hiding the definition.

    I frankly think those hip and waist measurements he gives are crazy. I'd like to know what he based them on. A hip measurement over 40 inches is really not all that big, and a high number could be due as much to a muscular booty as to a fat booty.

    I go by the pictures he provides (although his picture for 25% seems wrong) and one of the online calculators (maybe the navy one?-- sorry I'm not sure which one off-hand). Also I've had my fat measured by calipers and in a box pod. All of these give approximately the same number for me.
  • AnnieRN6
    AnnieRN6 Posts: 48
    The "skinny" picture is frankly mislabeled. Once a woman loses the normal fat pads at the back of the hips--which should ALWAYS be present, even in slender women--she is then severely underweight. This woman looks somewhat anorexic.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    The "skinny" picture is frankly mislabeled. Once a woman loses the normal fat pads at the back of the hips--which should ALWAYS be present, even in slender women--she is then severely underweight. This woman looks somewhat anorexic.

    I think the point is that these days the word "skinny" has a negative connotation, similar to what you call "somewhat anorexic." But you have to remember that he said it was copied straight from a female magazine...so I guess that's just what those particular readers are used to saying.

    I'm curious to see what numbers 3 and 4 look like since they were cut off, as I am somewhere in between 2 and 5 and might get a giggle out of whatever label they use for my body type.

    Back to the OP: as far as "appropriate" it really depends on your goals. What is appropriate for a fitness competitor is different than what is appropriate for a softball player, and both of those might be different than what you personally want to achieve anyway.

    I used to go by BF%, but I have learned that since most ways are horribly inaccurate (or too expensive albeit accurate) that it really only matters to me how I look and feel. When I look the way I have pictured in my head is appropriate for me according to my goals, I will probably pay for a DEXA scan or Bodpod and see what BF% I am at and call that my "goal" for what to maintain. Just my .02 cents.

    Edited to add: I just looked again at the picture...I don't understand why we need to see the top of the butt crack in the morbidly obese labeled picture. There are really cute bathing suits made for people that size that don't show crack...and I really don't want to see anyone's butt crack no matter what size they are. :laugh:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Tell me about it. I just had my body fat done by ultrasound, I almost had a heart attack on the spot. It said 30% and my scale reads 28% I don't match the 30% pictures myself. Oh well, have to get it down :)

    My scale also tells me 29%. I mean...look at the picture on the right side of my avatar. I am about the same size now. That is NOT 29%, lol. The Navy method tells me 27% because my waist circumference is larger than I'd like...but I am a banana shape, not a curvy little hour glass. Calipers tell me 22%, which is getting closer to the truth. But, since I have this huge range of possibilities, I remind myself to not get caught up in those numbers. I say that I'd personally like to be around 16-18% body fat, but because of the error in home testing, who knows when I will be there or if I'm even there now? So I just go by how I feel and look in the mirror.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    The "skinny" picture is frankly mislabeled. Once a woman loses the normal fat pads at the back of the hips--which should ALWAYS be present, even in slender women--she is then severely underweight. This woman looks somewhat anorexic.

    I agree, plus the picture labeled normal to me doesn't seem right to me. She looks slightly underweight, or on the low end of normal. A better label would be slender or thin. I wish I could see numbers 3 and 4. I'll bet those are the more normal/average weight and body fat women.

    I also take issue with the woman labeled fat. Really? I think she looks pretty good, maybe 20 pounds overweight. So I'd call her just overweight, not fat. The funny thing is the pictures jump from someone who is just a little overweight to very obese and then 400+. What do the final obese pictures look like?
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    My body fat measurement was taken with a hand held device, not a scale. I would put my thumbs on the top, and there were sensors on the side where my hands rest.

    I agree that the "Normal" weight woman looks too thin. I wonder what type 3 or 4 were, too.

    By the way, my husband wouldn't look twice at the "normal" weight woman, and thinks even I'm a bit on the thin side! His ideal is Cristina Hendricks on Mad Men, who definitiely looks like the "fat" picture when she appears in a bathing suit or anything skimpy.