Generic Weight Loss Question

TheBull50 Posts: 220
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Good Morning everyone,

My question is about my weight. I have been very good and I do eat my calories for the day. At night I do Tae Kwon Do and 2 nights a week go to the gym. So according to the scale, I have been gaining weight. Here's the issue: My clothes are getting looser :-/ At the gym, I do lift weights and I do eat a lot of protein during the day too. Could it be that I am gaining muscle and losing fat? The only thing I see if that my stomach is staying the same size and won't go down :-( Sorry to ramble. Just a little bit confused.


  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    You are getting more lean. You will have to eat clean in order to get rid of your stomach. You may also want to increase your cardio and begin to do some ab work.
  • I run on the elliptical machine at the gym. I do a HIIT program for 20 minutes a night. Then for my abs, I do Ab Ripper X 3 days a week. I think that there is just dead skin left from all the weight I lost. It is so hard to lose it.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Depends on how long you have been doing this. You are probably loosing some body fat but as for muscle people think that as soon as they start workoing out they are gaining muscle. To GAIN muscle that take a little while to gain it or put is on. YOu are probably starting to tone it which is good muscle burns more calories. Muscle and fat ar to different things. I here alot of people still say my fat is turning into muscle. NOt possible they are two differnt things. YOu may need to kick you workout up when your at the gym. DO more body weight training and circuit training. Keeping the HR up.

    Example warm up 3-5 min they go to your weights do a couple of exercises and then do 2-3 min of cardio intense then go to 2 more exercises and so on . You should see better results. Dont jsut do cardio and then weight or weights then cardio not as affecftive. Do them together
  • Take measurements with a tape meausre and see how many inches you are around. I suggest your arms, each one seperately (they may be different sizes), your bust, your hips, your stomach (i do it at the belly button) and each thigh. For an added bonus you can do your neck, forearms and calfs if you think you are losing weight there. I break out my tape measure about every other week. This will tell you if you are losing fat and gaining muscle because as you gain muscle it will be more compact and you will see the loss in inches.

    Hope that helps and one more thing.

    Water issue. You should be drinking half your weight in water. So for me since i weigh roughly 240 lbs i should drink 120 oz of water. Its a lot of water but what people don't always remember is that to add fat you pull water out of your cells to break fat down you must put water in!!! If you don't put water in, your body will break down and rebulid muscle each time you work out! So don't lose that muscle drink some water and bust that fat.
  • So basically the scale number shouldn't really matter? If I am gaining muscle but toning out, does the muscle weigh more making me heavier?
  • iAlly
    iAlly Posts: 66
    1 pound of muscle weighs the same as 1 pound of fat (clearly) but muscle is much denser and more compact so the 1 pound of muscle would take up less room on your body.
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