Ready to kick Hashimoto's *kitten*!

I am completely disgusted with Hashimoto's (thyroiditis) and ready to kick it's behind! The quest of health and fitness is nothing new to me. I go hard (for about 3 months) and quit. I'm ready to be done with my short term commitments and go whole hog. It's just this Hashimoto kicks my butt, over and over. In the past year I have gained….(gulp) 40 pounds. While the doctors I go to see this as a situation that "happens to people over time." I am NOT okay with this and I'm not ready to be those people it happens to. I'm ready to optimize my thyroid and severely kicking Hashimoto right in the rear end. Are there are fellow Hashi peeps that have any recommendations.

Right now I'm following a beginner guide to walking a half marathon. My goal is to walk a half marathon in October. I've entered myself in a 5K in May. My plan is to consume 1400-1500 calories in the 27 weeks until the half marathon. I'll be walking 4 to 5 days a week in the interim. I know I did not gain 40+ pounds overnight and won't loose it overnight. It will be a slow process but, one that I deserve to follow.

I'm looking for friends that can help me kick Hashi right were it counts and find a healthy lifestyle. If that applies to you jump on this bandwagon and send your girl a friend invite. Get ready to see the incredible shrinking woman….right here!!!


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MFP has a Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism group:

    I have Hashimoto's and take Synthroid. I lost way more slowly than most MFPers, so be patient!
  • LisaWill86
    LisaWill86 Posts: 20 Member
    I also have Hashimoto's and want to kick it's stinkin' *kitten*! :-)

    I'm on Levothyroxine for now (playing with the levels). After working out consistently for almost two years, I saw the scale move for the first time two weeks ago. Nothing major, but something at least.

    My husband and I are signed up for a half marathon in November, so we're working on training for that. Since I can't do the constant running thing because my heart rate spikes too much, I'm working on finding an interval that doesn't kill me. :)
  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    I've got Hashimoto's and Rheumatoid Arthritis (double whammy) and I am constantly fighting both. I have them, they do NOT have me!! It's frustrating for sure. I lost 52lbs and now I struggle to lose 2 or 3lbs per month. It's just a matter of finding that magic number that works for you.

    I've also read some articles lately about taking your medication at night, just before bed, for better absorption. I just started that a day or two ago. I'm curious to know if I need to adjust my BMR down a certain percentage because of the Hashimoto's.

    I'm on a mission to get 10lbs off in the next 6 weeks. That will be VERY tough for me, but I'm stubborn, lol. I have about 45lbs to my goal weight. I hope I can get there within a year.
  • I have Hashimoto's and I take Levo every day. I have had good results with In-terminate fasting. Some people can't do this with blood sugar issues, but I have lost 17 lbs. I find it really easy to get back too, even if I take a week off or a weak weekend. I basically dont eat after 8 at night and dont eat again until noon. After that I just try to keep it under my calorie goal. I also haven't been excersizing much just because I have a really busy schedule. I'm sure I would see better results if I could fit it in more.
  • Wow :D There are lots of responses. That makes me feel extremely welcome. I've been on Synthroid for the past 4 years. I'm interested in trying to take it at night. My biggest problem with taking it is I usually take it with coffee and I understand that is a no-no. Has anyone tried a natural thyroid product? I've read some great testimonials recently and am interested in trying if I don't find any results in the next few months.

    in the past when I enter into a program, I have found that I swing from hypo to hyper. Anyone else have this happen? It doesn't last long but, there has been a noticeable shift.
  • I have Hashimoto's and losing/gaining weight is a constant struggle. I would suggest following the Virgin Diet. Google it and eliminate the 7 foods from your diet for 3 weeks (even better if you can get rid of some forever).

    Sugar/Artificial Sweetners

    JJ Virgin designed the diet for people like us with thyroid issues. I saw her on PBS and everything she said made sense. I feel so much better. I hope it works for you!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I've been on Synthroid for the past 4 years. I'm interested in trying to take it at night. My biggest problem with taking it is I usually take it with coffee and I understand that is a no-no.
    You must take Synthroid on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. Do not eat or drink anything but water for an hour. Wait at least 3 more hours before taking any vitamin or mineral supplements.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    I have Hash's and when I:

    a) got my meds straightened out and
    b) was fully committed to staying with my calorie goal and exercising

    I did very well - lost weight, got fitter, became a runner, and ran my first half marathon last year.

    Unfortunately though, I've lost my focus the last number of months so I need to get back on the ball!
  • swimz
    swimz Posts: 5
    That's really encouraging to know that Hashi's people "can" still be that active!

    Do you still feel the thyroid "fatigue" and just push through it? Or do you feel amazing?
  • swimz
    swimz Posts: 5
    Recently, I heard about the use of tetracycline to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Maybe that is something that can help, or are you already doing that?
  • piwijpoukasi
    piwijpoukasi Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! I'm rather late to this party, but I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's in 2012 and am definitely ready to buckle down again, get these recent 10 lbs back off, and kick some Hashi's booty!

    What seemed to work for me... but was difficult to maintain... was:
    - getting no processed sugar (only naturally occurring in fruits, etc.)
    - following a gf diet
    - only eating gf grains at one meal max per day...
    - concentrating on as much whole foods as possible!
    - lifting weights along with moderate cardio (I. hate. cardio...)

    I'm not sure if that's helpful, because it is difficult to keep from falling off the wagon, but I've started back on this lovely plan last Tuesday... fingers crossed, Hashi's ladies!!