

  • MeggyMoonRocks
    MeggyMoonRocks Posts: 5 Member
    edited June 2022
    Hey there! Coming from myself who is also an alcoholic and I got sober a little over a year ago, I have also used food as a way of comfort. It is also a form of addiction. I am also a registered nurse. The anxiety attacks could be due to hypoglycemia, which creates physiological side affects in our bodies. It could also be from being outside of your comfort zone and forcing yourself and reprogramming your brain to do something it isn't used to. Speaking from experience, I have also lost 117 lbs and eventually gained it all back while I was in active alcohol addiction. I can relate to what you're going through. Change is super freaking hard but when we force ourselves to live outside of our comfort zones, that's where the magic of growth and CHANGE happens! Feel to reach out to me anytime you need to talk! I'm here for you! And don't forget, you're STRONG and are capable of persevering through extremely tough challenges!
  • curwhibbles
    curwhibbles Posts: 138 Member
    Slowly lowering your caffeine could bring relief to your compulsive habits and anxiety. Worth some consideration!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    if the only new thing you did was drink a protein shake and then you had anxiety.. I 'd say it would have to be the shakes. Don't drink them.. see if the anxiety goes away.