hi guys how often do u weight your self?

hi there i waas just woundering how often you all weight ur self as iu do know that in in 24 hours or so u can also gain 2lb or loose it , as its to do with the fluid in ur body and wthat time of day it is too,

i was goin to weight my self once aweek i weighted my self on a monday so will wait untill next monday but whats ur thought on the whole jumpin on the scales?


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I weigh once a week, the constant flucuations will drive yourself crazy, and I do Friday so If I am a little bad over the weekend I have almost a week to work it off instead of screwing myself Monday morn
  • RMX82
    RMX82 Posts: 172
    I weigh myself everyday but only count my weekly weigh-ins. The rest of the week I am just keeping my eye on it. But like you said, it can fluctuate on a daily basis, so it's best to just track the trend by taking a once a week sample.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I weigh every day, but I only count it on here twice a week. :)
  • emkam11
    emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
    I weigh once a week, the constant flucuations will drive yourself crazy, and I do Friday so If I am a little bad over the weekend I have almost a week to work it off instead of screwing myself Monday morn

    that is a great i dea hun i think i may start on a sat morning so i caan weigh my self on say and go from there as i knwo weekends are always a little harder for me xx
  • emkam11
    emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
    I weigh myself everyday but only count my weekly weigh-ins. The rest of the week I am just keeping my eye on it. But like you said, it can fluctuate on a daily basis, so it's best to just track the trend by taking a once a week sample.

    thank you fo rthat how do u find weighing every daqy ?
  • emkam11
    emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
    I weigh every day, but I only count it on here twice a week. :)

    do u find it helps weighing ur self every day or does it make you fell bad on days that you may have put on a lb at times
  • lisablueeyes
    lisablueeyes Posts: 213 Member
    I hate to admit it.... But everyday sometimes twice a day! "I know bad me"
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    I weigh ever day, morning and night, just to keep an eye on it, with the understanding that I'll weigh a few pounds more at the end of the day. It keeps me motivated--if I weigh more than the normal water weight at the end of the day, I am more motivated to put in some extra time on the rowing machine, and drink MORE water (because I probably had too much salt, or didn't drink enough during the day, causing the extra retention).

    For the "official" weigh-in, I only record once a week...Thursday mornings.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    i weigh myself just once a wk officially but i also weigh myself b4 i workout so that i can keep my heart rate monitor updated so it can tell me how many calories i'm burnin & how much water i need 2 drink back after my workout.

    i know that drinkin half a gallon of water equals 2lbs, so that makes it easier 4 me to re-hyrdate. especially on sundays when i do my long runs.

    basically i currently weigh myself 4times a wk (tues, thurs, sat, sun), but tues is my officially weigh day.
  • msemejuru
    I weigh daily and enter it here daily. I expect 1/2 lb fluctuations as normal. I only use what I weigh on Mondays to track my true weight loss.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    I weigh myself everyday, but that's because I'm an addict :) It's easier for me now that I recognize the fluctuations and what causes them. If I snacked on something really salty before bed, I assume that I'm going to retain more water than usual the next morning and it doesn't bum me out when I see the weight up a bit. It's really just a way for me to keep in check. I look at the weight in the morning and think, "Now if I want to meet my goal this week I should probably pick it up a bit," or, "Right on track!"
  • nurse_jenie
    I weight myself everyday. Because I am learning to eat healthy I like to check the scale the next morning to see what foods are working for me with my weight loss goals and what is slowing me down.
  • naughtynikkie
    naughtynikkie Posts: 12 Member
    I like to weigh myself every morning so I can see how what I did yesterday effects my weight. It can be a little frustrating but I find it gives me a better grasp on how I am doing each day.
  • bonsweetcandie
    I weigh myself Tuesday mornings right after I pee, lol. I use that as my "true weight". If I've been a little off track in my eating one day or just had a big meal I'll weigh myself before I go to bed to see what kinda of damage I've done. It helps me remind myself to eat better the next day and keeps me from straying too much from my plan.
  • canbecanbe
    twice a day sometimes more
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    I weigh myself Tuesday mornings right after I pee, lol. I use that as my "true weight". If I've been a little off track in my eating one day or just had a big meal I'll weigh myself before I go to bed to see what kinda of damage I've done. It helps me remind myself to eat better the next day and keeps me from straying too much from my plan.

    Lol same but every morning after I pee and it actually really works well for me. I so far have found if I weight after that then I get a much more reliable weight to go by for the day.
  • rad02878
    I weigh myself almost daily, and I track each weigh in. At this time, it's motivational to see even a 1/2 pound loss each day.
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one who weighs in everyday and sometimes twice a day. I find that weighing myself everyday helps to keep me on track. If I get on the scale the next day and it is up then I get a jump start on fixing it whereas if I only weighed in once a week I might have just continued doing what I normally do and not seen very good results. AS far as posting my weight loss I only do it once a week on Monday's.