New Friends For Support!!

Hello! I am new here and I would love to have some new friends to help me through this.
I need to lose at least 60 pounds and I know I wont be able to do it alone....
So im hoping to find some support!


  • dither105
    YEAH! Love the profile pic too! :)
  • BridgettBZ
    BridgettBZ Posts: 50 Member
    You can count me in to help!! :)
  • melenagirl81
    melenagirl81 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi @MissKimmi you can add me on mfp i'm under melenagirl81. I created a challenge group actual event starts April 1st using the 21 day Fix program or any that you want to use to achieve your goal. I am your average person 4'8 and on a ladder right now. A ladder where the weight goes up and down. It is a ladder where with support and challenge this ladder will be broken. YOU CAN DO THIS is not just a challenge group but a place where you can meet friends people who are doing the same thing like you are losing weight and getting healthy. If you interested check out my site to start getting the word CAN'T out of your head and CAN in it for good.

    This is my third time at loosing weight when I began I was 235 lbs. I didn't know I was fat in 1999 when I graduated and slowly I'm losing. My goal and ideal weight at my height is 105 lbs. If you on facebook join me in my challenge and together we can both achieve our goal at or let me know your email I can send you an invite. Since I joined a challenge group a year ago it has helped me huge. I no longer feel depress because there are others struggling the same way. When I became 30 I was really down and had just had my heart broken. It was a sad time for me where I was eating anything even when I wasn't hungry. It was then I realized that I don't want to be fat. My coach helped me believe and started thinking I can do this and can loose weight can be better.
