Help! Fair Weather Runner in an All Weather World

I admit I'm a fair weather runner, at least when it comes to outside. I've done a couple runs in the (warm) rain, but I'm actually perfectly content on a treadmill catching up on my cable shows. However, this Sunday I have a half marathon, and it is going to be 40s, windy and wet. Any all weather runners have any advice for gear?


  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    That's what most of my runs have been the past month-ish. A lightweight breathable rainjacket is all you need.

    Oh... and a Ziploc bag for your phone.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Do you have a running jacket? I would wear a hat with a brim to keep the rain out of my eyes. I have a windy/rain jacket from Brooks that I wear that keeps my shirt as dry as it can. I would wear a long sleeve shirt under that. As for pants, I would wear capris. You don't want to wear anything that is going to absorb water (i.e. cotton) and weigh you down. Your socks and sneakers are going to get wet, so no real advice on that.

    While you are waiting for the race to start, wear a garbage bag. It will keep you warm and a little dry until it starts. After the race, make sure you have a change of clothes so you don't get cold because sitting around in wet clothing is not fun.

    Otherwise, have a good race and just remember to have fun.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Baseball cap

    Beyond that, you have to figure out what works best for you. I would wear my capris, short sleeve shirt, arm warmers w/the plan to remove them at some point/fairly quickly, baseball cap, and my rain poncho w/the option of removing it if I need to.
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    Thanks! I know my shoes/socks are going to be a lost cause, but hadn't thought of a hat with a brim. Like I said, fair weather runner. I'll wander by the running store after work and pillage the clearance rack.
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    Generally with a half marathon you can stash a bag that you can get at the finish line. If its a loop, give a bag to your supporters or keep in the car. Put in a nice dry warm sweatshirt or jacket and hat. From my experience, the running is fine, its at the finish when you stop and the weather is cold and you are wet that is the most miserable.

    Look into getting some Body Glide. It helps with chafing. If it's going to be wet, your bra, bottoms and water pack might rub differently than usual. Two hours of rubbing can really be awful during and after the race. Put the Body Glide under your bra strap, waist band and on your back.

    Carry some kleenex with you in case your nose starts running, unless you can do the blow on the street method.
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    Look into getting some Body Glide. It helps with chafing. If it's going to be wet, your bra, bottoms and water pack might rub differently than usual. Two hours of rubbing can really be awful during and after the race. Put the Body Glide under your bra strap, waist band and on your back.

    Carry some kleenex with you in case your nose starts running, unless you can do the blow on the street method.

    I normally don't have chafing issues, but with it being wet you are right, I might. I don't carry a water pack, I rely on the water stops along the route (generally the races I run are pretty well supported).

    Also yes kleenex! I can't do the blow on the street, and seeing anyone else do it tends to make me gag. I understand, but YUCK!
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    moisture wicking fleece headband/ earmuffs moisture wicking gloves. moisture wicking sweater.

    good luck on your half marathon.