Diet Soda.... to ditch the Diet Coke.... or not



  • marcellara
    marcellara Posts: 44 Member
    I love diet soda, the flavored ones are my favorite (diet cherry, vanilla, lime). I drink 1-2 cans a day. It's zero calories and no more sodium than a slice of cheese *shrugs* If you like it, why give it up? Course, I feel that way about everything.

  • EvenThatNameIsTaken
    EvenThatNameIsTaken Posts: 164 Member
    I need to lose 30 pounds... and Diet Coke is my daily vice. I have 1 can a day, when I need an afternoon pick me up, rather than reaching for a snack. So my question is.... is it more.beneficial to ditch the soda and chance the snacking?

    I have about 30 pounds to lose also. Personally, I will keep my Diet Coke and try to drink it in moderation. When I consciously stopped drinking Diet Coke, I ended up regularly drinking Lo Carb Monster Energy Drinks instead. For me it has been better to keep my 'bad' habit than to adopt worse habits.

    I think 1 can a day is pretty minimal and won't get in the way of your weight loss or general health. Just my opinion. :)

    Ideally, I think all of us would like to give up our little "vices" completely - for me, life works better when I'm not trying to change everything all at once. Good luck with whatever direction you take :)
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    I love diet soda (diet Dr. Pepper), I pretty much gave it up when I started counting calories in August. I don't know if I feel different from pretty much dropping it out of my diet....But I do know I'm healthier for replacing it with water. I dated my last 2 liter that I bought (2/21/14) and a little more than half is gone...which is amazing compared to how I used to drink it. Here is a link someone showed me a while ago, it's very interesting...
  • Courtshorr
    Courtshorr Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you! It is not the aspartame so much that I am worried about... just the fact that you always hear "If you give up soda, you will lose weight" BUT I was wondering if that still applies with Diet sodas... :D And it sounds like it doesn't :D

    I feel like drinking it curbs my appetite for a snack.... so I had always thought it HELPED me a little.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i still drink diet coke, but more for the flavor, and not for the "pick me up" quality.

    i read once that an apple had as much energy as a can of coke, so i started to substitute my 3pm soda for an apple and some almonds. it's pretty good.
  • eelamme
    eelamme Posts: 1,135 Member
    Diet Dr Pepper Cherry is my vice. I think it becomes an issue if that is ALL you drink. When I am at work, I attempt to drink 32 oz of water before I crack open my soda. Not saying I like it but I do it. Was harder at first. After a few months of this I've noticed that I can go days without a soda and when I do have one it isn't as yummy as I remembered. I think it is the aspertaine (sp?) and the fact that soda holds onto the bad stuff in your body where as the water is best at flushing those toxins (and sodium) out.
  • presbyreformed
    presbyreformed Posts: 36 Member
    In terms of weight loss, 0 calorie soda is better than snacking if it's pushing you over your calorie goal.
    As far as health goes, a handful of nuts is better for you than a bunch of chemicals in my opinion.

    I agree, plus, just say No! to all sodas and sweet drinks. Water is the stuff of life.
  • mrslstage
    mrslstage Posts: 51 Member
    I love regular Coke, and I was very resistant to switching to diet about 8 months ago.. It was such a significant calorie cutter that I stuck with it and now I'm fairly used to it. I have about 2 a day, usually Diet Pepsi or Diet Dr P.
  • cheri03
    cheri03 Posts: 172 Member
    I lost a bunch of weight several years ago and maintained up until a year ago. A year ago I gave up diet pop to try to be healthier. What happened? I gained a ton of weight because I was drinking tons of other stuff with calories. When I have a diet pop, I have no desire to eat other crap. I say keep drinking.
  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    In my opinion, eliminating calorie-free items shouldn't be the first step, I'd look first at your calorie intake, and when you're closer to your weight loss goal and have the calories under control, maybe then look at removing calorie-free things that you're wanting to eliminate.

    Yes this.
  • lizcc13
    lizcc13 Posts: 12 Member
    Let me start this by saying that up until 2 weeks ago I was an avid fan and consumer of diet soda. My all time favorite Diet Coke. I started talking to a nutritionist and doing some research of my own. Here is what I've learned.
    1) aspartame which puts the diet in diet soda is basically formaldehyde..yes what they use on dead bodies.

    2) When your body consumes "fake" sugar it reads it has real sugar. Your organs treat it like real sugar. What happens over time though it continues to read the fake sugar as real sugar it realizes it does not provide the energy. This makes the body freak and hold on more to fat because it thinks its energy source is insufficient. Naturally over time it slows down your weight loss.