Question for my PCOS girls....

StephieWheats Posts: 88 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I am getting a little frustrated. It seems after I lose about 10 pound I gain 4 back and its a cycle that seems to be happening on a regular basis. I only weigh myself once a week so its not daily fluctuation. I have been doing this for a 2 months now and was up to a 23 pound loss. Now I am at 19. Has anyone else noticed this? How do you deal with it? (If you can)


  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I don't have the exact same problem, but I do notice that some of what I lose comes back and it's a "two steps forward, one step back" thing. In the past, I saw an endocrinologist as well as my gynecologist and he said that PCOS can cause off insulin levels (insulin resistance?) which can add to the cycle of obesity because of the way our bodies process what we intake. At that point, he put me on Metaformin (which is a medication diabetics use, although I wasn't diabetic) and weight fell off. Of course, after I stopped taking it and after having 3 kids it all came back plus its' friends.
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    I don't have PCOS but my friend does. She noticed your post and commented that the best you can do is work out and eat healthy. She struggles with her weight as well and sees her weight fluxuating no matter how much she diets/exercises.

    Good Luck!

    Kate (and Tiffany)
  • I have that same problem and I am 42 years old. I used to be on Metformin but got off it because it caused massive periods. I did lose about 15 pounds after I got off the Metformin but have been stuck. I still go to the gym and work out 4-5 times a week and have not lost a pound. Although I have lost 10 inches. My trainer tells me that do not get on the scale and only do measurements with inches. The muscle weighs more than fat - so as you continue to work out you will gain weight - but it is not FAT weight - it is muscle weight. Also, continue to diet and stay away from carbs and sugar as much as possible. Those tend to feed into the insulin resistant. Once your body loses the weight and adjusts to the weight lost you will continue to lose the weight. It is just getting over that 'hump' that is difficult... DON"T GIVE UP! I haven't and I've been stuck for almost a year at the exact same weight! But I look and feel much better!
  • I can definitely understand your trouble......I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2007. I had suffered one miscarriage (right after coming off bc pill) and has been unable to conceive after that. I have been having trouble with my weight going up and down, no matter what I eat and how much I exercise. I lose the most weight when I am on a low carb diet, however that is just not the ideal diet for me, because I cannot hang on to that way of eating forever. Once I fall off the wagon, its hard to get back on. I too was placed on Metformin, some of the weight came off, but the side effects were just too much to handle for me. Therefore, now, im just cutting back and exercising and just trying to stay as positive as I can. I have dropped 18 pounds so far, but it wasn't easy! Keep in mind that our weight naturally fluctuates on a day to day basis so dont stress to much on 2 pounds up, then the next day one pound down, as long as you keep going down and not increasingly up, up, up, you are still making progress. Its just a little harder for us PCOS gals.
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    yep, I'm w/ya! stick with it though, and focus on inches, not pounds! hard to do, I know, but its true
  • Women with PCOS will ALWAYS have to work harder than others (better eating habits and tougher workouts!) You CAN be successful and healthy! This "battle" CAN make you a stronger, healthier person. Don't get frustrated...get tough. This website is such a great tool for keeping tabs on calories, sugars, etc. I have definitely benefitted from MFP, and I have only been on the site since mid-July.

    BTW...I didn't realize that metformin could cause weight loss...not for me!
  • StephieWheats
    StephieWheats Posts: 88 Member
    I was on metformin for a bit until I had a period that last over a month. So I'm just trying to tough it. I have been struggling with PCOS for about 6 years now and this is my first attempt to get the weight off. Thanks so much ladies for the advice. Its just seems after every celebration comes week of frustration.
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS 10 yrs ago and I was put on metformin and that drug caused me to go MAD. It totally tripped me out. Once I got off of it I felt a whole lot better. I would rather live with PCOS with no drugs than go through something like that.

    I have been overweight my entire life. I did lose 55 pounds on Nutrisystem but like Jillian Michaels says on the Biggest cant stay or live off of prepackaged foods. I gained back 20 pounds and was feeling sooooooo discouraged and wanting to say screw it all! But my boss turned me onto and even though this is my 3rd day I have lost 3 lbs.

    Here is to the next 47 lbs.....:)

    Good luck everyone!!!!!

  • I too have PCOS & I have been on Metformin for a year as of October 2010... I havent lost ANYTHING... I have actually gained! It really sucks because those of you that take Metformin KNOW the side effects & BOY are they quite fun [joking]... I have noticed though with my [regular] workouts on Monday, Wednesday & Friday I have seen more inches coming off than pounds, which is totally fine by me... the scale has always been my enemy & losing 4 inches around your waist in one week isnt too shabby... It really blows that we have to work harder than others, but guess it will be worth it in the end, right?! :bigsmile: We have to keep our heads up ladies & keep on keepin on! Good luck to all of you!!!

  • I was diagnosed with PCOS 10 yrs ago and I was put on metformin and that drug caused me to go MAD. It totally tripped me out. Once I got off of it I felt a whole lot better. I would rather live with PCOS with no drugs than go through something like that.

    What did the Metformin do to you???
  • ohiogirl30
    ohiogirl30 Posts: 141 Member
    Its your abnormal insulin levels that cause PCOS. What people don’t realize is that insulin is a hormone. I would recommend a book. It’s called "What to do when the Dr. says its PCOS" It will really give you an insight into what you're dealing with. The metformin is prescribed to treat the desensitized insulin cells not cause you to lose weight, that just happens to be a desirable side effect. Its your insulin levels that influence ovulation or lack there of. Treat your PCOS as though it is Type 2 Diabetes and you will see huge change in your life!!!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    yeah, I got prescribed metformin too, and gained weight! :grumble: You're better off taking a natural supplement that helps to metabolise sugar, like chromium or cinnamon?

    We have to work harder at losing weight, but it does come off!! Albeit slowly!

    I dont see a 4lb gain as too much of a problem. There could be many reasons for this. Too much alcohol, salt, carbs, muscle pump, hormones?? Basically, its just water retention. Its impossibel to put on 4lbs fat on a diet!! Just as you need a 3500 deficit per week to lose a 1lb, you need a 3500 surplus to put on one!! Please remember that!!!

    Don't worry about it!! I dont know if its got anything to do with PCOS per se, but my water fluctuations are servere too!

    Stick with it :flowerforyou:
  • countrygirl75
    countrygirl75 Posts: 112 Member
    Before I knew I had PCOS, I would lose weight quick, and then like throw in the towel thanks to the hormone imbalance, and mood swings. I have noticed it. I lost my job in Dec 09 and gained 30 lbs, now I am working again have been for the past summer, but I noticed that when i was on the pill up until 3 years ago the PCOS symptoms started to show more, the weight crept on quicker, hair darker, and everything else started to show its ugly face more....but I am trying to lose again now that i know what is going on with my body.
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