I CAN'T KNOCK THIS CRAVING. Need an alternative



  • glassgallm
    glassgallm Posts: 276 Member
    I make my own cappuchino with skim milk: first make some strong coffee. In the mug you'll be using pour in about 1/3 cup of skim milk. Add a teasp. of sugar ( or the fake stuff if you use it, I don't add any sweetener). Microwave the mug of milk until hot and steamy (depending on your microwave 40 sec to 1 min or so). Remove from oven and get out a whisk.(Add a little vanilla or other extract if you want.) Roll the whisk handle between your 2 palms vigorously to froth the milk (this is a workout itself!) When the milk has at least doubled in volume carefully pour the coffee into the milk to fill up the cup. Sprinkle with a little cinnamon.
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    I like the Baileys Mudslide creamer. It is 35 calories for a T. I add some sweetner as well.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    Yes but like i said, i don't only care about losing weight. "bad foods" are what give you heart disease and diabetes", so yeah i'm going to label lol.i'm not saying im going to cut them out completely, but 7.5g of saturated fat and 23g of sugar is a bit intense for a drink.

    quit labeling foods as good or bad and if you are eating 'clean' most of the rest of the time, it isn't going to kill you.
  • kristendeyell
    kristendeyell Posts: 80 Member
    Try David's Tea, they have a ton of flavours! I'm very addicted!
  • Telomin
    Telomin Posts: 45 Member
    When I get ANY craving at all, and not wanting to give in to it, I take a few bites of picked ginger (the kind they use to sushi). It's sweet, but ginger is quite good for the body, and since the flavour is strong, you kinda don't want any thing else afterwards.
  • sue_langley
    sue_langley Posts: 63 Member
    Maybe sip the smaller one reeeaaally slowly that way it felt like you had more, and the joy or pleasure you experience lasts that much longer.. Sounds weird but this concept works. Try :-)
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Cold turkey. Your have to decide what is more important. Your goals and your health, or your sweet tooth. Three weeks ago I finally took a look at how many calories I was Ted daily putting cream and sugar in my coffee. So one Saturday we were at a diner and they only had sweet and low at the table and plain non dairy cream. On a whim I drank my coffee black. And I haven't gone back. I decided I would rather have this 180 calories to eat real food or not eat those 180 calories at all. So, this is the only advice I can offer as I have to do everything cold turkey or I will find a way to justify just a little.

    Good luck.