I need guidance!

Alright, so I am a 20-year old female. I'm 5'4" and I currently weigh 115(first thing in the morning) I am pretty healthy, and have recently started exercising 4x a week. My goals are to flatten out my belly and build lean muscle. I don't really have any set workouts.

I run for about 15 minutes on the treadmill and alternate working on my upper and lower body on different days. i am trying to build up my strength (im not one of those girls who are terrified to lift weights). I've noticed I have gotten more muscle tone in my arms and legs, but my belly is a WHOLE different srory. I'm what you call "skinny fat". My stomach is very soft and my lower and upper abdomen sticks out a LOT. I have never understood why. Is there anything I can do about this? Workout/diet?

Please help!:/


  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    I know basics, but you may need to bulk a little and do exercises that grow the muscles in your midsection. If you dont have the muscles there you can be as skinny as possible and not show definition. Maybe wiser to make a posting in the gainning weight forum or the fitness and exercise one.and be more specific with your title so more people respond.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I know basics, but you may need to bulk a little and do exercises that grow the muscles in your midsection. If you dont have the muscles there you can be as skinny as possible and not show definition. Maybe wiser to make a posting in the gainning weight forum or the fitness and exercise one.and be more specific with your title so more people respond.

    ^^^^^^this! WHAAAAAT? Why in the world would you need to "bulk a little" to get rid of a belly? You may wanna revisit the basics. And there's nothing wrong with where she posted...she is just getting started. She don't need to gain weight to lose her belly! SMDH!
  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    I know basics, but you may need to bulk a little and do exercises that grow the muscles in your midsection. If you dont have the muscles there you can be as skinny as possible and not show definition. Maybe wiser to make a posting in the gainning weight forum or the fitness and exercise one.and be more specific with your title so more people respond.

    ^^^^^^this! WHAAAAAT? Why in the world would you need to "bulk a little" to get rid of a belly? You may wanna revisit the basics. And there's nothing wrong with where she posted...she is just getting started. She don't need to gain weight to lose her belly! SMDH!

    She said she was already skinny fat. Skinny fat usually means you are thin and pudgy cus you have not very well developed muscles in the mid section.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    moderate calorie deficit + heavy lifting + patience.