Is Everyone Predetermined to hit a Plateau?



  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I personally have not had a plateau. I have gone maybe 2 weeks at a time without any noticeable weight loss, but those times are usually caused by ovulation/period etc and were actually water retention and went away.

    I cannot say whether I'll ever have a 'plateau' of 4+ weeks. I still have a good amount of weight to go. I'm not really worried about it though.
  • scrapscot
    scrapscot Posts: 123 Member
    Between January and August of 2013, I lost 30-31 lbs. Since August I have not really lost anything. I stay within 2 lbs of the 30 lbs. I still need to lose 30 lbs. I've tried changing my exercise and laying off any carbs after 6pm but still can't get below that 168-170 mark. Any suggestions to you veterans who say plateaus don't exist?

    Perhaps my age has a lot to do with it. I'm 65. I work out 5 days a week on treadmill and elliptical; also added a zumba gold class for a while and pilates. I'm not going to give up but I sure would like those extra pounds gone!
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    The only plateaus I hit when losing were those that I consciously hit -- around the holidays where I decided to eat at maintenance for a month, and after hitting a target BF% and moving to maintenance for another month or so. That said, weight loss is not linear and I certainly had a week or 10 days here and there where weight basically held steady -- inevitably for me followed by a "whoosh" of a few pounds.

    It is important to remain crisp with your calorie estimates (in and out) and to continually reevaluate your calorie needs as you're losing body weight. And if you are being really crisp and careful, then usually the next step will be to reduce your intake by 50 - 100 cals a day.
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    Just Curious,
    I have lost 25 Pounds since Jan 26 of this year and need to lose a further 88 Pounds.
    I'm praying I don't hit a wall. I'm curious to know does EVERYONE hit a harsh plateau within there weight loss journey.
    Have you? have you not?

    Plateaus do not exist. It is a made up word for people who think they should be losing weight when actually they are not eating at a calorie deficit to lose weight. It as if it is there is a magic wall preventing them from physically being able to lose weight.

    There is no such thing. If you eat at a deficit, you will be fine.

    This exactly. Plateaus mean you aren't creating a deficit. Its simple and its used as an excuse.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i have. basically it slows down. and for a couple weeks at a time wont really move. i was stuck at 216 for 2-3 weeks. then stuck at 213 for 2-3 weeks. then stuck at 211 for 2 weeks. now im between 207 and 210. so its not that steady going down every day kinda thing anymore.

    Edited: To add that although the scale is stuck, i am losing inches and fitting in smaller clothes.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    A "plateau" is just the boundary between "what you are willing to do" and "what it takes to reach your true goal."

    You need to tell us what the "what it takes to reach your true goal" looks like. I need to get past my plateau.