Starting Focus T-25 Gamma Phase

I'm in my last week of Focus T-25 Beta cycle and I just received Gamma in the mail today. I love this program and I look forward to my workouts everyday. It's the only program I've ever done where I'm actually getting consistent results worth bragging about! But, I do watch my calories and nutrition like a hawk. :) I've lost 10 pounds so far and probably have about 5 more to go.

So here's my situation, I know I can push myself harder in the Alpha and Beta phases of this program. I'm wondering if I should re-do the first two phases and "nail the workouts" almost every time before I begin Gamma or even the Hybrid version of Gamma?

Or do I begin with at least the Hybrid version of Gamma so my muscles and mind will be challenged by the new workouts and hopefully shred the last 5 pounds?

I welcome your thoughts and/or professional opinions.


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Why not finish Gamma and then start all over again? No reason to wait! :)
  • willjean
    willjean Posts: 29 Member
    I definitely plan to do Gamma and then start the entire program over again. But I was thinking, since I didn't "nail" every workout in Alpha and Beta maybe Gamma would be too aggressive.

    With all that said, I believe there's a huge advance in starting a new phase because my muscles wont be used to the new workout so I should see good results pretty quick.

    I could be totally wrong that's why I'm seeking opinions.
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    I did Gamma right away after I wrapped up Beta...and now I've restarted all over for a second round and just finished week 3 of Alpha. I plan to go through Beta and Gamma, then switch to the hybrid calendar.
  • willjean
    willjean Posts: 29 Member

    Was Gamma really tough? Did you feel prepared for Gamma before you started? Are you finding the second round of T-25 more or less challenging then the first time?

    I'm so excited about this... 5 stubborn pounds to go. lol

    Then, I'm on to maintenance. :)
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    I thought there was a big jump from alpha to beta and from beta to gamma.

    I am loving this second round even more than the first!
  • willjean
    willjean Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for sharing your experiences and thoughts. I'm really excited to continue my workouts and I really value the support from this forum! :)
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I did Alpha and Beta and took a week off (went on vacation) and today I started Gamma. Speed 3.0 was a big step up from Speed 2.0, in my opinion. I'm really looking forward to doing Gamma, when I'll restart again. Not sure if I'll go back to Alpha or restart with Beta. I really enjoy this program and after Alpha/Beta lost 11 inches and 9 lbs.
  • willjean
    willjean Posts: 29 Member
    Wow, those are great results! I really am looking forward to Gamma. I start Gamma this coming Monday. Keep me posted I'd love to hear about your progress and I can always use another Focus T-25 buddy to help keep me focused too. :)