My fat face

I don't usually have trouble keeping motivated, but I'm kind of down today and every time I look in the mirror all I see is how fat my face still is. I am so jealous of people who never seem to gain weight in their face. It's the first place I put it on and the last place I lose it. Heck, even when I am thin my face still stays a little bit chubby. I used to get called fat and made fun of for being fat even when I was a size 5, because my face was so damn chubby.

I've been trying microcurrent and ultrasound, trying to encourage the fat to go out of my neck and the muscles to tightened, but I don't know if it is working. I don't think it is. *sigh*


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Dear Diary,
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    What you really in a caloric deficit? Are you losing weight consistently? What you doing what you gotta do in order to get what you want?
  • MrsLannister
    MrsLannister Posts: 347 Member
    Never mind. I guess I misunderstood what "Motivation and Support" meant. I know better than to post in this topic again.
  • Some people are horrible and should just keep their comments to themselves. Other then that I am not sure how to help but keep your head up and make tomorrow a better more positive day!
  • Edensienna
    Edensienna Posts: 180 Member
    Your frustration is valid... Everyone has areas where they hold fat and struggle to target

    My hips were the place where I held my excess weight, but I could cover the area with clothing etc until I slowly lost the weight.

    Keep going, see your goals and try to celebrate the losses you have made. I'm sure your face will slim down in time. You are on the right path. It sucks when there's no quick fixes :(
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    I don't usually have trouble keeping motivated, but I'm kind of down today and every time I look in the mirror all I see is how fat my face still is. I am so jealous of people who never seem to gain weight in their face. It's the first place I put it on and the last place I lose it. Heck, even when I am thin my face still stays a little bit chubby. I used to get called fat and made fun of for being fat even when I was a size 5, because my face was so damn chubby.

    I've been trying microcurrent and ultrasound, trying to encourage the fat to go out of my neck and the muscles to tightened, but I don't know if it is working. I don't think it is. *sigh*

    As per your original post...

    I know it's discouraging and that sucks! I'm the smallest I've been since.. 6th grade? And even at 102 pounds, I still have a 'chubby' face. I've come to accept that it's just how my body works. I have no desire to lose more weight (I'm actually working to gain a couple back), so acceptance is the only solution. You've got to learn to love the face you see in the mirror. Try and think of the positive aspects of carrying some extra weight in your face, such as how people with a little extra weight on their faces tend to look less aged than those with very thin faces.
  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    We're our own worst critics and often we can't see our own progress. I am willing to bet you have a beautiful face and any perceived "flaws" feel magnified because you're self-conscious. Personally, I think chubby cheeks give a very youthful appearance. Add me as a friend if you'd like. I'll tell you that you are beautiful every day until you believe me. :flowerforyou:
  • ewhsweets
    ewhsweets Posts: 167 Member
    Don't let all these *kitten* get you down - unfortunately this site that is geared towards positivity and motivation keeps getting worse with these "Mean Girl" like jack-tards....

    Do some jumping jacks, pushups, take a shower and get out of the house and away from your mirror for a while. Go out and do something FUN!
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    One thing you will be grateful for as you age your face will retain it's youthful look far better! I bet you have zero wrinkles. Change the things you can, and learn to accept, even love the things about you that you can't change. They are what are uniquely special about you.
  • Whether or not you have a thin face or a fat face you are still beautiful. It will take a long time and a lot of work to really love and accept yourself but you will get there. You have to look at how far you have come and just what you have done ( Very proud of you by the way) I am very sorry to see that there has been a bit of negativity towards you when you need support. Best of luck on the rest of your journey!
  • teetahlee
    teetahlee Posts: 13 Member
    Contour with make up - I just use a shade darker than my skin color right below my cheek bones (blend in well); a light blush on the apples and then I use a pearlescent highlighter in the inner corner of my eyes...I swear it shaves pounds of my face.

  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    OP, you have lost over 80 pounds!! Be proud of yourself and remember how amazing you are. Like others have said, we are our own worst critics and we all have our "feeling fat" days and our insecure spots, so I know where you're coming from (I never wear shorts because my calves and inner thighs are huge no matter how much weight I lose!). It really feels sucky sometimes

    My mom always had cheeky cheeks even when she was super thin and she looked way younger than people ten years younger than her! For me personally, I like fuller faces vs. sunken in ones. Feel better, you beautiful thing you! :flowerforyou:
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Hmmm, interesting how the "mean girl" "assh*le" horrible" person is the only one in this thread who has been insulted and name called.

    Oh, I love MFP.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I can completely relate... my face is not "fat" but has got this kind of shape that makes me feel like it's still fat even after losing weight.
    Well, to a certain point we've got to accept it. If you have wide bones under your face there's not much you can do, but trust me, losing weight will help A LOT. You need to be patient and stay focused, and if you feel like nothing has changed, just look at your previous pictures!
  • UNLESS19
    UNLESS19 Posts: 118
    THIS IS ME! It's so annoying and horrible! But you just need to try and get through it. Just look at old pictures where your face was at it's largest and compare it- any loss is better than no loss! I know sometimes it doesn't look much different or you can't see it but just remember, you're doing great and at least you're loosing everywhere else!
    I sometimes look at pictures where my face was smaller too, gives a kick up the butt but also upsets me a little… will we ever win?
    Good luck and i'll add you and we can try and beat fat face together :)