I'm new and Hello!

Hi everyone! I downloaded this app a while back but only recently started using it to track what I eat. How easy is this thing!!!! I've worked in restaurants for years and finally decided that I need to break the cycle of bad eating habits/ bad food, etc. it creeps up on you sometimes and all of a sudden you're not the person you used to look like and feel like anymore! My question for you guys is do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of information about weight loss and staying healthy that is available? What works for you and how did you become to feel confident that those habits would help you reach your goals?




  • joharibeauty
    joharibeauty Posts: 6 Member
    Hello and welcome! This app is awesome and I am still trying to make myself use all of these things that has to offer . I think managing your weight whether it's gaining or losing is absolutely overwhelming and I'm I feel more you are off-balance one way or another it is only going to increase the pressure to that you feel to get back into balance which makes it even more overwhelming . LOL everyone has their own little tricks and tips n things to do work and things that don't work I hope to learn a few friends here too! Welcome once again & best of luck in your journey!
  • struggletodiet
    struggletodiet Posts: 149 Member
    Welcome, the amount of information out there is so overwhelming that it is hard to know where to begin not to mention that some of the information contradicts each other, but I seem to be finding that keeping track of what i am eating and being diabetic is the best thing for me, sounds bad, but it true its opened my eye to what i needed to do and i can put my hand on my hart and say that its all about educating myself on what to eat and what not to eat
  • elizard1981
    Thanks :) I find it really challenging sometimes to make educated decisions about eating and exercising. I guess that doing something is better than nothing though!

    PS 100lbs lost! Wow, way to go! That's amazing!