Alcohol tolerance down on new food plan?



  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I definitely would not eat salad if I was going to drink. :wink:

    If I know I'm going to have more than a drink or two I eat a higher protein meal that will stay with me longer. But yes, cutting calories, eating healthier and of course getting older ALL work together to bring your tolerance down.

    Haha, def a lesson learned! It made me think getting home at 2AM was a great time to do dishes...still can't find some of them. :|

    I think I'm gonna down another chicken wrap after finishing my workout. Full of carbs and hopefully I'm good! Lol.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I have a weekly tolerance "builder" night lol
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Interesting conversation. Also, did someone else make the drinks? Maybe they had more alcohol in them than you realized, maybe they weren't really properly measured. Maybe they had 2 or 3 shots per drink and not just one. It sort of depends on what size a person considers a shot.

    I have a very low tolerance for alcohol and it's not predictable, it varies a lot. My husband has noticed that. I never have more than one or two drinks. Sometimes you can't even tell I had a drink and other times it really effects me. I am also a very small person, so I'm sure that contributes. I drink very infrequently also. So, I never build any kind of tolerance. It does seem being tired can influence it as well.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Interesting conversation. Also, did someone else make the drinks? Maybe they had more alcohol in them than you realized, maybe they weren't really properly measured. Maybe they had 2 or 3 shots per drink and not just one. It sort of depends on what size a person considers a shot.

    I have a very low tolerance for alcohol and it's not predictable, it varies a lot. My husband has noticed that. I never have more than one or two drinks. Sometimes you can't even tell I had a drink and other times it really effects me. I am also a very small person, so I'm sure that contributes. I drink very infrequently also. So, I never build any kind of tolerance. It does seem being tired can influence it as well.

    I watched them make it, and it was put into the small martini glass. Everything was measured out properly, to my knowledge. I've had enough of them to know if they're too strong (i.e too much alcohol). I personally like them when you can barely taste the alcohol, and there's a nice mix of both the olive juice and vodka. So I don't think it was too much alcohol that was the issue...moreso that my body was just wicked off that night!