Need to succeed!

Tried everything you can think of - been big all my life - now at my biggest ever. Should lose 6 stone but would be happy with 3. Been big ALL my life so it's normal for me. Trouble is I do well to begin and then it all goes to hell. If I don't succeed this time I hate to think how shortened my life may be. Wish me luck.


  • matuskap
    matuskap Posts: 131 Member
    Dont go On and Off a diet. Thats stupid and brings no results. If you go On a diet, it means you already know you will go Off it. Change a lifestyle instead. You will be surprised how much more you can enjoy yourself food-wise if you go in for a long run.

    Just today i watched this video and i can tell you every pro-trainer will tell you the same. ve seen the very same thing many times.