I need to pee ALL the time?!



  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    've heard that drinking the recommended 8 cups a day is a myth...just drink when you're thirsty and you'll be fine
  • Charisma_Black
    Charisma_Black Posts: 87 Member
    I'm the same. I drink about 2 to 3 litres of water a day plus during that intake I would drink green tea too.
  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    You can Google articles for yourself, but increased urination is a by-product of burning glycogen, which is what you do in a calorie deficit, especially in the beginning.

    So, barring a medical issue, it basically means your program is working, and that's a good thing!
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    I agree with the rest. When you drink alot of water, you tend to use the restroom alot. Normal, not to worry :)
  • AverageJock
    AverageJock Posts: 17 Member
    Yip. Also up at least once during the night as well. But I go to the gym at night and drink water whilst exercising so not surprising really. Better out than in is what I say.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    This isn't about weight but I had no idea where to put it. But I'm needing to pee all the time. I've always been fairly frequent, I started to drink a lot more due to dieting, so this may be it, but I don't see how drinking the recommended 8 glasses, could make me want to pee every few hours or more. I thought it was caffeine so I didn't drink any for a week and I still had the problem. Anyone experienced this?

    You SHOULD be peeing every few hours or more. That's not fairly frequent, that's normal. If you had to pee every few MINUTES, we would be having a different discussion.

    It sounds like you've been dehydrating yourself for so long that now you're hydrating normally you don't recognize it as normal.
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    I suggest a measured water bottle, I've got one by Rubbermaid. I've got the old version of this one- 32 oz Chug Bottle it's called. but the cups are reasonable not like huge cups of water.


    and yes I do pee a lot

    and omg pregnancy. *shudder* every frickin' 5 minutes it felt like!
  • bugga814
    bugga814 Posts: 41 Member
    yes yes and yes lol
  • ElizabethElane
    ElizabethElane Posts: 92 Member
    My friend has this problem, she drinks a lot of water throughout the day. It's fine
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,702 Member
    get checked for diabetes!

    very common symptom!

    good luck...

  • tpncc
    tpncc Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome to 'well hydrated'. Do get checked for diabetes as #WillNorton posted, but in-taking more water has only one obvious result...
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Drink less. If your peeing a lot your body doesn't need the fluid. Your body has a perfectly adequate way of telling if you need fluid it's called thirst. The 8 glasses a day thing has no basis in science it's just a number plucked out of thin air.

    ^^^^^Ummmmmm . . . no. From the Mayo Clinic website, "Unfortunately, thirst isn't always a reliable gauge of the body's need for water, especially in children and older adults. A better indicator is the color of your urine: Clear or light-colored urine means you're well hydrated, whereas a dark yellow or amber color usually signals dehydration."

    Also from the Mayo Clinic website:

    So how much fluid does the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate need? The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men is roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day. The AI for women is 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day.

    What about the advice to drink eight glasses a day?

    Everyone has heard the advice, "Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day." That's about 1.9 liters, which isn't that different from the Institute of Medicine recommendations. Although the "8 by 8" rule isn't supported by hard evidence, it remains popular because it's easy to remember. Just keep in mind that the rule should be reframed as: "Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day," because all fluids count toward the daily total.

  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    Drinking water = peeing more = getting up and going to the bathroom often = more exercise! :wink:
  • MrsBenTarr
    MrsBenTarr Posts: 42 Member
    I run, so I feel like I need to keep super hydrated. I drink about a gallon of water a day, and I pee between each class (I'm a high school teacher), so about every 45 minutes or so.
  • BreannaHayes1
    BreannaHayes1 Posts: 122 Member
    I cannot hold water to save my life! So now that water is all I drink and I drink a lot of it I have to go maybe 10 minutes after I drink it. Just something I've embraced and try not to drink a lot while I'm out lol
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    I wish I did.... Mine scares me..... I drank 4 bottles of my water bottle full that hold 24 oz yesterday and 4 of the plastic big Walmart brand bottles that are 20 oz plus a few glasses of tea and I only peed three times all day yesterday (once was when I woke up before I even drank the stuff ).... It even scared me so bad last night that I took a couple of my water pills and still nothing... But this happens most days where I don't pee even though I should be.

    I think I need to bring this up Tuesday when I go to the doctor.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    How often were you peeing before that "every few hours" seems excessive?! I wouldn't want to pee every hour, but my whole life I've always peed every 2-3 hours during the day and 0-1 times during the night. That seems pretty normal to me.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    You are doing better than me, lol. I go probably once an hour all day long and every 2hrs at night. Is it possible that you are pregnant?
    If not, I would get your blood sugar checked. This is a very common symptom with diabetes.
    If not that, then possibly a bladder infection? Or you just need to strengthen your bladder and have poor bladder control.

    Sorry. You probably got all that already from the other responses. I didn't read any of them.

    eta: wait, I just realized you said every few hours. That is normal.
  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    Something I heard, many, many moons ago is "The More You Cry, The Less You Pee". Dunno if it's true, but worth a shot lol..