running - energy gels and electrolytes

Hi I would like some advice on how to take energy gels and electrolytes on longer runs.
I am relatively new to runing (just over a year) and am training for my first half marathon. I have found that I hit a wall at the 10 mile mark and cannot go on. Some people have suggested that I need to take on energy and/or replace my salts (at the moment I just run with water).
I have been into the shops and was completely overwhelmed by the range of products. Some gels have electrolytes in them - do I therefore not need to put the tablets in my drink?
How many energy gels do I take? At what point during the run do I take them? Do I need to drink water when I take them?.
Any advice gratefully received.
Please keep it simple - talk to me like I'm an idiot! :-)


  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    If you are going to go with gels, gu, gummies or beans, you don't need to drink things like Gatorade. Water is fine. I usually go the gummies or beans. The others, including drinking Gatorade makes me queasy. You should take them about 30-45 minutes in to help give you that boost when you start to hit that wall. Don't wait too long to take them. Also, don't throw the empty gel or gu container on the ground. I see people do it all the time on the trails and it is disgusting.

    You will figure it out. It takes time to know what works for you.
  • RoyalMoose11
    RoyalMoose11 Posts: 211 Member
    I hear ya dude. I did couch to 5k, and just kept running, did a 5K,, registered for a 13.1, and then when I started to realize I was becoming a runner I took my Nike Shox (with a hole in them...) to City Sports and said "So I guess I'm a runner now... can you help me buy running shoes?" I started running in June and I'm now getting ready for a marathon in October.

    I use Gu's gels for any run longer than 45 minutes or if I need to eat something before running (example: if I run at 5 after work and haven't eaten since lunch). I'm not one for the training belt with bottles and pouches and stuff- I just bring a plastic water bottle and take a swig every mile if I'm going to run more than 4 miles at a time.

    The point of the Gu, from my understanding, is to replenish some of what you've lost during the run. The packets say to take it every 45 minutes with water. I've found that 8.5 miles is my wheelhouse and I can consistently hit that without being tired, getting sore, or any other adverse effects. You should take the Gu before hitting that mark so you can go through that moment. So if I'm going to do a longer run around 10.5 miles I may take it at mile 5.5 so it's in my system by the time I get to a wall.Take them with water. I've done it with and without and I think it really does make a difference with water. I took two on my half marathon in February and felt fine (and finished quicker than expected).

    I like Gu because that's what was recommended. I recently bought their 30-come-count multi-flavor pack on amazon for around $1.50/unit which was about a dollar off the price locally. It also gave me a chance to try different flavors to see what I would like. The only caution I'd add here is be mindful if you do or don't want caffeine. I usually have to pee a lot when I have caffeine and so I plan my runs around public bathrooms on days I've had coffee. If you're training plan includes no caffeine don't buy the multi pack since some have it.
  • RoyalMoose11
    RoyalMoose11 Posts: 211 Member
    Blanket follow up: I'm not a doctor or trainer.

    Second follow up: As much as it sucks, you do have some trial and error here. It's not as clear cut; it's a lot like how different people can roll out of bed and run and others have to eat certain foods at certain times to run.