Goodbye Atkin's Diet - I'm Trying Something New

I have proven that the Atkin's Diet program works great if you're trying to shed the pounds, and fast too. On two separate weight loss program over the years, I have manage to lose 42 and 55 pounds respectively. I was losing about 10 lbs/month and felt great. The problem I found with the Atkin's Diet is the maintenance phase. The low carb really restricted many of the food I like, including some of the healthier ones, but had high carb or complex carb. Unfortunately I ended up gaining all the weight back over the years because of feeling limited to the food choices. Also, buying Atkin's food/drink products is just very expensive as well. Of course, I'll blame myself for letting this happen and should've watch my weight more. That's not going to happen this time around.

I started using MyFitnessPal for 4 days now, and have lost 4 lbs as well. They biggest difference is that I can thoroughly enjoy the foods that I like without making such huge sacrifice to my carb intake. I've always been wanting to trying counting calories and this app really helps me monitor my consumptions in all ways. Recording daily food, water and exercise really allow me to focus results and understand how my body responds to the changes without feeling hungry or deprived.

I hope to prove that this approach is more effective in both weight loss and weight maintenance, along with exercise are the key to staying fit for a lifetime. I have 46 more pounds to go, and I've done this before, I can do it again.