Ideal weight for me? (currently 62.5", 36.5% BF, 155 lbs)

I've been doing MFP for 75 days (yay!), and lost 8lbs. I'm not upset about slow progress; I'm okay with maintaining this rate of weight loss; I feel good.

My question--I'm trying to figure out my ideal weight range/what I should be shooting for. For reference, I listed my stats in the title (62.5", 36.5% body fat as measured by the Bodpod, 155lbs). From my height alone, I'm reading online that I should be anywhere from 100-130 lbs, but I feel like I would be too skinny there, especially since my lean body mass is 96lbs by itself. I'm also doing weight training, so that may go up even more.

Is there a good calculator or method to figure this out? Clothing-wise, I'd like to get down to a size 4-6, if that helps.


  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    I am 62.5" and 28% bf... at 159lbs.... I think it just really depends on body composition! I weight train a lot... and I have gone months without losing any weight!

    But I have lost a lot of inches. And I can always tell when I fall off the diet wagon; because I will gain weight in my upper stomach and thighs.

    I think weight and ideal body size is ultimately different for each person. I think if I could just drop about 10lbs and lose about 10% more body fat... I would be ideal! I have clothes in sizes 6-10 that fit me great right now. I think it depends on water weight too. Some days I look great in my size 6 slacks and some days I feel more comfortable in the size 10's...

    You just have to decide what you want for yourself. I don't think trying to fit into a "chart" or "ideal weight" is the way to go for anyone!

    Work out, eat good, and do what's best for yourself... because in the long run... you're the only one that has to live in your body!

    Best of luck!
  • emirandah
    emirandah Posts: 23 Member
    You look amazing! Thanks for sharing your info; it helps to see where other people are at. I would ideally like to get down to under 30% body fat, so I guess I'll stick with my current routine and see where that eventually lands me on the scale.
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    Honestly I don't believe in the numbers for this matter. Get to a point that you feel comfortable. That you are happy with and that's generally a good weight range. As for numbers, if you either talk to your doctor or look up a BMI calculator on here you can find your range. I suggest a doctor more because the BMI won't calculate exactly how you carry your weight as well as your bone mass. :o
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi! I'm 5"8 tall and weigh 135 lbs. I haven't lost weight in months, but I know there's many other changes going on, so it's fine with me :-) 8 lbs is good progress!
    Anyway, when I first started I just used several online calculators and kinda made an average with the numbers. But I honestly think that it's going to depend on other factors like body composition, so it's really hard to say an ideal weight. So I don't have a goal weight, I just will know when I've gotten to the body I want :-)
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I'm not selling this product and don't even know what it is, but I like this calculator:

    Looks like if you wanted to be 20% BF, you would want to be about 123 pounds.
  • emirandah
    emirandah Posts: 23 Member
    Kelly, I tried that calculator, that's really neat. Thanks!
  • olehcat
    olehcat Posts: 92 Member
    Your stats sound very similar to mine! I'm 5'2.5" also (don't know my body fat percentage, but in the 30's sounds probably about right) and I'm 149. I would like to get to 120. In a dream world I'd be around 110-115, but we'll see how I feel when I get in the 120's...