advice please dont judge!

So back story Im 24 year old female im 5ft5 and I currently weigh about 9.7stone - 9.9 stone.

I had a baby was instantly back to 9 stone after giving birth then I ate a ton of crap and went up to 11stone6!

I joined mfp and did 1200 calories a day for about 3 months and exercised and did not lose a pound! I occasionally ate over or underto see if it made a ddiffernce but it didnt. I eventually thought screw this im not working my butt off for nothing and completly quit dieting exercise everything. After I quit I dropped 2 stone without even trying I think I wasnt eating till late in the day but then eating loads of junk like McDonald's or order a pizza ect and I went down to 9stone2 I have no idea how this happened. I maintainedthis weight for ages only recently I went up to my current weight so iv gained about 8 pounds.

Now im scared im going to go up to 11stone again or something! I want to basically just stay at 9stone exactly and I dont no how tolose wweight iv only ever lost weight when Iv not been trying.

I no I should be having at least 1200 calories ect but what about when that doesnt work? Iv eaten more iv eaten less and nothing!

I will admit im eating very low calories atm wich im sure you will all tell me im an idiot for doing but I honestly dont know what to do iv tried the healthy way and I dont think starve till 6 o clock then order a pizza is the best way to lose weight!

Sorry for going on and on! Basically I want to get to 9 stone and stay there


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Its all about tracking what you eat, and eating for your activity level.. Sounds like you may be estimating your calories, binge eating (which is a sign of undereating), and 1200 calories at your height/weight/any activity is not right..

    Get a digital food scale, search for BMR, and TDEE.. Read all the forums about it.. then take it seriously.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    You can eat pizza and McDonald's and lose weight. But if you really are serious, you have to log all your calories accurately. As accurately as you can.
  • riveraurora
    I have been recording all my calories ect accuratly I havnt been bingeing on nunk food at all recently this was just an example of what happened last time I lost weight recently I started on 1300 valproes of healthy food after 2 week I hadnt lost a poubd so im now eating less than than that. People usually say eat more for example 1500 calories but that doesnt seem to work either.
    Im not sure what works best for my body because iv only ever lost weight by accident!
  • riveraurora
    Sorry about spelling im on my phone!
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    You just started logging. Relax and give it time to work.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have been recording all my calories ect accuratly I havnt been bingeing on nunk food at all recently this was just an example of what happened last time I lost weight recently I started on 1300 valproes of healthy food after 2 week I hadnt lost a poubd so im now eating less than than that. People usually say eat more for example 1500 calories but that doesnt seem to work either.
    Im not sure what works best for my body because iv only ever lost weight by accident!
    No. Setting any medical conditions aside, including thyroid problems, if you are gaining weight then you are not accurately logging and eating more than you think. This means that you are underestimating in your calorie intake and/or overestimating in calorie burned.

    Do you weigh all your solid food and measure your liquids? Eyeballing a portion is what got many of us fat in the first place. For me, the bigger I was the bigger my eyeballs made my portions. :bigsmile:

    Bu the way, you will never be the same weight all the time, even if you weigh at the same time of day under the same circumstances. Weight naturally fluctuates.

    Have you have your thyroid checked out?
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Your diary is closed, so specific thoughts/advice cannot really be made.
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    . For me, the bigger I was the bigger my eyeballs made my portions. :bigsmile:

    This made me chuckle hehehe
  • riveraurora
    I havnt been to the doctor about thyroid or anything like that because im in the healthy weight range and I look slim so I dont think theyd take me seriously! I just feel more comfortable at 9stone. The only thing I do that I dont log is my 1 year old offers me her food and ill have like 1 bite sometimes ill add 100 calories at the end of the day if I think iv had a few bites of stuff shes been eating!

    My diarys closed at the moment but lately iv just been having mixed veg and fish for dinner and then a salad for lunch and fruit or no sugar jelly as a snack. To be completly hohnest nost of my days have been about 5 or 600 calories im scared to eat 1200 and gain weight and not be able to lose it sounds stupid but I dont feel like I can control my weight because iv eaten healthy and not been able to lose weight and then lost weight on junk food so im just worried about gaining weight and then not being able to lose it.
  • oiseau17
    oiseau17 Posts: 142 Member
    Someone asked you earlier, but I don't think you answered: When you were eating 1200 cals, were you using a scale to weigh your food? Usually the first place people go wrong who aren't losing is eating more than they think (not weighing their food) or overestimating their exercise burns.
  • riveraurora
    No I wasn't using a scale so could have been eating more but most of my food wasnt stuff I could weigh so probably only occasionally I ate over is it harder to lose weight if your already slim? I just dont want to go back up to 11 stone and not be able to lose it :(
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    Well, we are not with you in real life so we dont know what is going on.

    Go get a checkup at the doctor and see if you have any medical issues.

    then go back and fill out the MFP profile, and get what MFP says and FOLLOW IT EXACTLY!

    I think without seeing you that you are not accurately writing things down and if you are eating food cooked in a restaurant, they add a lotof things you dont realize, Home cooking is the best control over your food.

    the scale does not lie, if you have not been losing then you are eating too much of the wrong thing.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    9.7 - 9.9 st = 135 - 138 pounds

    That is a healthy weight for someone who is 5'5"

    If you want to lose a little bit of weight, about 10 pounds, then set MFP to lose half a pound a week (not more). How many calories does it tell you to eat? Also, with a baby, you probably are not sedentary, I would choose lightly active.

    Now, those calories MFP gives you DOES NOT include exercise. When you do exercise you need to eat more for that.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    No I wasn't using a scale so could have been eating more but most of my food wasnt stuff I could weigh so probably only occasionally I ate over is it harder to lose weight if your already slim? I just dont want to go back up to 11 stone and not be able to lose it :(
    The answer to your question is "yes, if you are already at a healthy weight then it's going to be more difficult to lose weight." You don't have as much extra fat your body is willing to give up. Also if you're trying to simply "lose weight" by eating less, you're actually losing lean muscle and not fat. The result of that is that your metabolism is going to get even slower and you'll have even more difficulty losing weight in the long run.

    My advice to you is to ditch the scale and pick up the measuring tape and the weights. Start a weight training/strength building regimen and work on your body composition. You'll find that you'll be much smaller and firmer even at the same weight, and isn't that what's is really all about? Only you see the number on the scale. Everyone else sees how fit you look and how your clothes fit.
  • riveraurora
    I just calculated my BMR and then how many calories I should be eating from this and it said I should be having 1500 calories a day would I seriously lose weight on 1500 a day? Thats nearly triple what iv been having some days and im hardly losing weight now? 1500 calories sounds like a huge amount!
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I think you need to get yourself on a plan eating a good amount of calories and give it time. You say you were on a plan for 2 weeks and didn't lose but you have so little to lose that it will take a while. Also if you have been eating low for a while then increasing your calories probably will make you gain at first. Again, you just have to give your body time to get used to it. I ate very low calorie for a long time and when I increased to 1200 I gained at first but then as I increased the calories more I started to lose again. Now I can eat 1650-1700 a day and maintain my weight within a 3lb window.
  • Bety_1989
    Bety_1989 Posts: 18 Member
    Yes it is harder to lose weight when you are already slim. I am also losing some vanity weight and I net 1200 (I eat more since I also eat back my exercise calories). It took me about 60 days to lose 3 kg but hey it is going in the right direction! Don't get discouraged just really measure what you eat and be precise in your measuring. So add all your drinks, oils and salad dressing as those things really add up. Also strength training will help you to lose fat but keep your muscle. If your baby is in a super active phase like my nephews were in that age try to do some workouts together with your baby. You will find a bunch on the internet, like this one for example:
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    I just calculated my BMR and then how many calories I should be eating from this and it said I should be having 1500 calories a day would I seriously lose weight on 1500 a day? Thats nearly triple what iv been having some days and im hardly losing weight now? 1500 calories sounds like a huge amount!

    1500 is not a huge amount. I'm 5'6" and 130 and I consistently eat 1600-2000 calories per day on maintenance. Check out my diary.

    Eating 500 calories a day is dangerous and irresponsible since you are the mother of a baby. If you pass out think of what could happen to him or her? Not only is it dangerous- it's just not necessary.

    Trust the MFP system - give it time and be consistent. Keep your settings at 0.5 lbs/week loss and you can lose whatever weight you need to at a healthy pace, and you will be able to keep it off, because you won't have any desire to binge since you haven't been depriving yourself.
  • riveraurora
    Is that supposed to be funny? Not everyone is a health or fitness expert thats why people come here to get advice and help
  • biffmon
    biffmon Posts: 12 Member
    I just calculated my BMR and then how many calories I should be eating from this and it said I should be having 1500 calories a day would I seriously lose weight on 1500 a day? Thats nearly triple what iv been having some days and im hardly losing weight now? 1500 calories sounds like a huge amount!

    If you under eat your body's metabolism slows down and won't burn as many calories - 1500 sounds about right. Combine that with regular training and you should see some progress. But it takes time. I've lost 43 lbs but I've done that over 16 months!

    You absolutely need to be weighing and measuring your food with a weigh scale. I weigh and measure EVERY meal. I could eyeball it but believe it or not even after weighing and measuring my food on a daily basis for 16 months I still couldn't tell you what 8 ounces of steak or a cup of rice looks like on my plate without weighing it.

    We all lie to ourselves when it comes to our eating and measuring your food is usually an eye opener.

    It's work, but work is what you have to do.