Pizza Nutrition - Square Slices

Hey everyone,

So, my office orders pizza once or twice a month, and I usually end up having at least a little bit each time. I always have trouble finding a proper fit for the nutritional information on here.

I am from Chicago where there are pizza places on every corner, and we rarely ever get from a chain restaurant (unless it's a local chain). Therefore, the places we order from are not on MFP. The other issue is that thin crust pizza in Chicago is cut into squares rather than triangles. I don't mean like Jet's pizza where the entire pizza is square, but regular round pizza cut into squares. I see some entries on MFP for square slices, but the ranges in calories are huge (100-400/piece).

I was originally thinking I could figure out the nutritional values of an entire triangle cut pizza by multiplying a slice by number of slices, then dividing that number by the number of squares on this pizza. However, it seems that pizzas cut into squares generally have more cheese and toppings than triangular cut pieces.

Does anyone have nutrition info from a restaurant that cuts their pizzas this way? Or any insights as to the best way to estimate? Thanks!