Low calorie choice at an Indian restaurant?

Hey ya'll! What do you guys do when there is a special occassion that revolves around eating out or drinking?

I feel like if I want to achieve my weight loss goals I'm going to have to miss out on a lot of events. Every time I go out with my friends I know that by drinking I will completely ruin all my hard work in just a few drinks. I think I'll have to stop going clubbing full stop if I want succeed. Which is a bummer, but I guess being fit and healthy is more important to me than going out.

Anyway long story short, I'm going out for a friends birthday on Saturday to an Indian restaurant and don't know what I should get!
Any advice?


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    curried vegetable dishes are usually okay. Just watch the rice and bread. The bread is usually really yummy so hard to control.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Indian food- vindaloo?

    With respect to clubbing and going out- try switching to drinks that don't have sugary mixers. My go-to liquor drink is vodka and club soda. Limit yourself to a couple, and drink water along with or in between drinks. If you're not used to drinking an unsweetened cocktail, it will definitely last longer at first!!!!!

    That's my helpful tip :drinker:
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    I been honestly looking this up when i saw this! I been craving a good indian take away which ive avoided since i started my weight loss 7 mos-ish ago!
  • honsi
    honsi Posts: 210 Member
    Vegetable curry or prawn or chicken breast. Go for tomato based sauces rather than creamy ( ie a bhoona over a korma) steamed/boiled rice rather than fried or pilau. Tandoori meat ( no sauce , cooked in a tandoori oven after being marinated) is good with salad. Avoid the fried items like popodums or pakora. Whatever you have it will be nice.
  • keithaj1
    keithaj1 Posts: 71 Member
    Chicken Tikka (not tikka masala which adds the high cal gravy) loads of protein and yummy.

    The word Tikka means bits, piecces or chunks. Chicken Tikka is an easy-to-cook dish in which chicken chunks are marinated in special spices and then grilled on skewers. This is one of India's most popular dishes. Chicken Tikka can also be made into Chicken Tikka Masala, a tasty gravy dish.

    •1 cup fresh yoghurt (should not be sour)
    •1 cup finely chopped fresh coriander leaves
    •2 tbsps ginger paste
    •3 tbsps garlic paste
    •3-4 tbsps garam masala
    •6 peppercorns/ 2 dry red chillies
    •3 tbsps lime/ lemon juice
    •1/2 tsp orange food coloring
    •1 kg chicken (breast or thigh) skinless and cut into 2" chunks
    •1 large onion cut into very thin rings
    •Lime/ Lemon wedges to garnish
    •1 tsp Chaat Masala (available at most Indian groceries)
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    ALL THE NAAAN. ALL OF IT. :love:


    Sorry. I'm in an emotional relationship with bread products.

    There's three options:

    1) Not caring for this meal and just enjoying yourself. It's not an every day thing!

    2) Small servings of everything. Get a taste while still being involved.

    3) Stick with veggies and meats that aren't breaded and in creamy sauces.
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    Yeah I am thinking chicken tikka or tandoori shrimp, definitely skip the naan and the papadum.

    It will depend on how the recipe prepares it, but Mulligatawny soup is quite delicious and filling (made with lentils and chicken stock, I believe). Ask them if they add cream though.
  • priyamvada_k
    priyamvada_k Posts: 27 Member
    Go for the Roti (whole wheat bread) instead of naan.
    Vindaloo is ok as someone said here, as also tandoori chicken or chicken tikka if you eat meat
    Stay away from anything with "kofta" in the name and anything with a cream sauce

    Plain lassi (no salt, no sugar) is healthy - it is basically whipped yogurt so it fills you up plus all the protein/calcium.
    Mango lassi is too sugary and to be avoided.

    If going for southern Indian food, idly (steamed rice/lentil pancakes) is both healthy and delicious and comes with a couple of sides.
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    Another choice, and this is my absolute favorite dish, is Baingan Bharta. It's a largely eggplant dish that's been roasted and then onions and tomatoes added, with several spices and maybe some peas as garnish. Some people think the sight of it doesn't look very appetizing, but boy is it delicious.
  • StrongCurves
    Wow! Lots of responses! Thanks everyone, lots of great ideas here! Think I'll treat myself to a tikka or vegtable curry...Hold the naan! Cheers for the support, good luck on your respective weight loss journeys :D
  • StrongCurves
    That sounds delicious! I've never tried egg plant before.
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    That sounds delicious! I've never tried egg plant before.

    The funny thing is I'm not a really big fan of eggplant, but if I were to be executed, this would be my last meal!
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    It's Sunday! Let us know what you had last night!
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    ^ what he said. this thread has me drooling thinking about all of the tasty food mentioned above.