A lousy dancer trying Zumba :-p Any tips?



  • belladonna82
    I have tried Zumba!
    It was so much fun! :-D
    We were about 20 women/girls trying our best on the dancefloor.
    It must have looked like complete chaos, with people jumping around in different directions, trying to shake their *kitten* and waving their arms to the music.

    I will definitely go back!

    Shake it, baby!
  • azuramaran
    I am 31 mother of 2 and i totally love zumba!! ""Used to do Turbo Jam tried it today and was totally lost only had that problem with one art of Zumba that was the African Beats part on Cardioparty!! I get it now though after like 3 or 4 tries!!
  • EE0710
    I just turned 30 this year and was tired of being insecure and uncomfortable with myself...especially my dancing and coordination. The gym I belong to offers lots of dance classes & I made the decision to learn to dance no matter what. Out of all the classes Zumba was the most fun. My only advice is to stick with it. It took me 5 classes to get where I wasn't so worried or concerned with what I looked like in the mirror & could just relax & have fun. Hang in there it really boosted my confidence & I have so much fun with it now!
  • Allie1982
    Last night my Zumba instructor told us that we are going to try something new. She is having a Glow in the Dark Zumba. Everyone wears glow necklaces and bracelets on their arms and legs and we do zumba in the dark. She says it helps people get into it they're not as worried about people seeing them! She is going to have a trial on Thursday, so I'll let you know how it goes :)

    Might be something to look for in your area or ask an instructor if she'd be willing to try it if you are embarassed to try it in front of others.
  • WonderNoodle
    I have tried Zumba!
    It was so much fun! :-D
    We were about 20 women/girls trying our best on the dancefloor.
    It must have looked like complete chaos, with people jumping around in different directions, trying to shake their *kitten* and waving their arms to the music.

    I will definitely go back!

    Shake it, baby!

    SO GLAD you enjoyed it! We're we right or what!?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    hey im 24 and i just started zumba a few weeks ago.. i was really nervous at first bc i had no idea what i was getting my self into!! but i have to tell you that i absolutley LOVE it. i have no clue what the moves are but as long as your moving, you sweat soo much and an hour goes by so fast. in my expierence mostly no one knew all the moves they were just having fun and i was the youngest there.. it was awesome seeing 50+ yr old women dancing to "apple bottom jeans" !!! i hope you give it a try...good luck!

    HEY!:angry: I dance to that song all the time!!! :grumble:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My kids are in their 20's and for some reason their friends have always liked me. Well one day my son comes home with one of his friends............I have my headphones on and am dancing the fool to that song..............singing OUTLOUD.....boots with the furrrrrrrrrr................I turn around and there they are!! OMG thought I would die...........Instead I pulled out the headphones so they could hear the song and danced another round before going off into my room.

    That kid laughed for days!!

    Life is too short to take oneself too seriously. GO enjoy..........you'll get it eventually. In the meantime you will burn a ton of calories and your waist will look amazing!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have tried Zumba!
    It was so much fun! :-D
    We were about 20 women/girls trying our best on the dancefloor.
    It must have looked like complete chaos, with people jumping around in different directions, trying to shake their *kitten* and waving their arms to the music.

    I will definitely go back!

    Shake it, baby!

    I love that you tried it and even more that you loved it!!:flowerforyou: