Putting it in Perspective

Yesterday was one of those rare (like once every 4 months or so) days that I just completely ate whatever I wanted and I did not go to the gym. As much as these days frustrate me at times, I also realize that in the moment of those days that in the grand scheme of my journey they are barely a blip. All things in perspective. So yesterday I ate (and logged) such things as chips and salsa, an entire bag of crazy bread (yes I said the entire bag) a peanut buster parfait, a brownie and other miscelleanous non healthy choices. What was the catalyst of the day you ask? Well for me its emotional stress. Usually I workout when I'm stressed. It helps ALOT. Yesterday I didn't. Instead I ate. A tiny blip on the radar of my life. Today I'm moving on. I have a gym "date" with two of my accountability people and I will run. We will then at some point have dinner together and I will make good choices. I have another gym date on Saturday. So yesterday was one day. I can let it get me down, bum me out and thus hamper my progress or I can look at it for what it really is, one day in almost 750 days of this journey and continue to move forward.


  • SB4Hope
    SB4Hope Posts: 23 Member
    I commend you for treating it as one day. Like you said, you have plans to get back on track. You obviously see the entire picture. Keep up the positive attitude
  • Swimnessa
    Swimnessa Posts: 44
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your post. I am just starting this journey, but for the past 13 days I have had this overriding fear..."What if I mess up?" What if I skip a day? What if I eat the wrong thing? Although I realize if you mess up often, if you are always having "bad" days you will not lose weight and you are not going to get healthy. Your post just took some of the anxiety away. If you mess up one day, it does not derail the whole train. You just get back on it tomorrow. I am probably not making myself clear but you have no idea what your words did for me. I want to lose around a 100 pounds total. I am only 6 into this journey, but thank you again.
  • dcmassena
    dcmassena Posts: 11
    The good news is you recognize what happened without letting it get you down and now your moving on. You've got a great attitude about it and I applaud you.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I eat at enough of a deficit that days like that are welcome.

    I don't moralize food choices anymore. I have days, heck even weeks, of free eating. I enjoy it, and I move on.

    A day, a week, isn't going to ruin your progress. Not unless you allow it to become your new (old?) norm.
  • TeresaGoal145lbs
    TeresaGoal145lbs Posts: 57 Member
    Absolutely. It's just one day, and so many great days before that! I've heard people treat themselves sometimes too~ a reward. I think I'll reward myself too- like eating something really yummy at the end of every successful month.
  • greytniki
    greytniki Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your post. I am just starting this journey, but for the past 13 days I have had this overriding fear..."What if I mess up?" What if I skip a day? What if I eat the wrong thing? Although I realize if you mess up often, if you are always having "bad" days you will not lose weight and you are not going to get healthy. Your post just took some of the anxiety away. If you mess up one day, it does not derail the whole train. You just get back on it tomorrow. I am probably not making myself clear but you have no idea what your words did for me. I want to lose around a 100 pounds total. I am only 6 into this journey, but thank you again.

    It makes perfect sense. The thing I constantly have to remind myself is this is a lifetime journey not something that I have to do for a month or 6 months or even just 1 year and then "back to normal"...I have had to find a new normal and in that normal there are going to be some days like the one I had yesterday. The amazing thing is 2 years ago that day could have been any given day of my week :-) Not a once every couple 3-4 months thing.