Day 3 feels like Week 3

Hello everyone. I stopped using this site about 2 years ago, after I lost my goal of 30 pounds. I'm back because I gained the 30 pounds back. I was motivated 2 years ago due to competing in my job's version of "The Biggest Loser", so there was $500+ on the line. However, now, it is tough to push myself.

Please feel free to add me! We can help motivate each other.


  • fitzfam2009
    fitzfam2009 Posts: 19 Member

    I too have a goal of losing about 30 lbs, and need motivation! Sending friend request! =)
  • Nadisay
    Nadisay Posts: 18
    Hi, feeling your pain, me too trying to shift baby weight and more, need to loss about 30lbs. But finding it hard to ex cerise due to lack of sleep. Let's support each other