Camping Recipes



  • Praying_Mantis
    Praying_Mantis Posts: 239 Member
    When I camp, regardless of type of camping, I eat the same stuff I would eat if I was home.

    Nowhere does it state when you go camping you have to eat hotdogs and potato chips.
    Mind you I eat those at home!

    Anything and everything can be cooked in a fire over a fire, near a fire or on a BBQ if you are "car camping/RVing."

    Us, too. Last trip we had lamb loin chops with rosemary & sea salt, Salmon fillet with dill, sea salt, & lemon juice, hot ham & cheese sandwiches (we use a hobo pie maker -- DELISH), linguini with clam sauce and a little bit of parsley and oregano.

    +1 for bacon, too.

    ETA url for hobo pie maker. Be sure to get the kind that crimps the edges of your bread -- keeps all your tasty goodness in the sammich.