Knee pain 3 weeks before a half marathon!!

Hi there, i will be running my first ever half marathon on april 13th, and just 2 days ago i started developing some weird pains on the back of my knee.
I started training with a my asics plan about 2 months ago, my estimated time is 2:19, last sunday i finally got to run 10.5 miles, i was feeling ok, kinda running unconsciously by this poin, ran till the 9th mile perfectly without walking one step and bam, i stumbled and to the floor i go, landed on one knee and my hands and had to walk a little, then ran the mile and so i had left.
By the end of this run i was exhausted and a little sore, and my left knee was bothing a little (not the one i landed on), my plan marked i should rest for two days and so i did, then on the 3rd day after i had to run 3.1 miles and as soon as i started running my left knee started bothering, and it never went away during the run, after that it kept hurting whenever i walked for more then 3-4 minutes and up or down stairs, and so i rested the next day, by the end of last night i wasnt feeling a thing, so decided to run the 6.2 miles my plan said. Today as i started running it started hurting again, it went away after the first mile but just as i got to the 3rd it started hurting real bad and so i only ran 4.3 miles.
On sunday i have to run 10.5 again, and my plan was to try and run it, to see how far my knee will go, and decide if i should keep running and run the half or stop here until i heal.

What should i do? Any tips?
Oh, i am running on brooks glycerin, got them about 3 weeks ago

Thank you all for the help


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I would definitely not run for a few days, no matter what your training plan says. I'm not a doctor (nor do I play one on TV) but running when you're in pain and have obviously injured something is not a good idea. I had something similar after my first 11 mile run while training for my first half marathon, although I didn't fall, it hurt behind my left knee. Mine went away, though, so it wasn't anything serious.

    I think your best bet is to go see your doctor especially since the pain is persisting. You might need a scan to figure out if something is torn.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    ice the area where you feel pain and take it easy. You know you can run the half, just run (if you can stand to run) shorter distances to keep your body limber.

    I too am having pain in my foot and have a 5K to run next Sunday and it pains me to think I have to sit out the rest of this week to nurse the pain.
  • dgolden11
    dgolden11 Posts: 2 Member
    Rest it a few days. Rest does wonders.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    ice the area where you feel pain and take it easy. You know you can run the half, just run (if you can stand to run) shorter distances to keep your body limber.

    I too am having pain in my foot and have a 5K to run next Sunday and it pains me to think I have to sit out the rest of this week to nurse the pain.
    This is true. The long runs are really more for confidence than anything else. If you have a good base mileage you're going to be able to run the race. Unless you're still injured, that is. My sister had an injury before a full marathon a few years ago and her doctor told her than you really don't lose any endurance up to 11 days without running. Take a few days off from anything beyond walking and try a very short run and see how it feels. If it still hurts, try a few more days and another very short run. If it's still hurting at that point, get thee to the doctor.
  • cms721
    cms721 Posts: 179 Member
    In to check back later
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    Also look into using heat to relax your knee and to help it heal. Rest would be the most important tho. If you can get to a dr to make sure that there isn't any permenate damage done.
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    Definitely take some time off. You ran 10.5, you can finish the half. It's better to miss a few runs than aggravate your knee more and possibly miss the race. Hopefully you're feeling better in a few days.

    I'm running a half on the same day you are :)