Weight loss stoll - that time of the month?

Hi ladies i wanted to address this topic or maybe someone can point me in the right direction if this has been addressed

this month (since the week after my last period) i lost 3.8 lbs but now in the week before my period my scale hasnt budged (i havent gained anything either) ... ive been eating 1300-1650 calories daily yet still no weight loss ... so i wanted to know if most women dont see any weight loss week before/week during or week after .... (OR ALL 3???)

when should the scale start moving again?


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Weight loss is not linear, sometimes you won't lose any weight at all. It might just be water retention masking any weight loss.
  • sorberc
    sorberc Posts: 6 Member
    I had that issue last month and now it's happening to me again. The week before my period was supposed to start I didn't lose much at all, if any. Then once it started I began to lose again and it seemed to go back to normal. Now again, it's the week before my period and I haven't lost any weight in a few days again! So frustrating. I'm just trying not to get discouraged and continuing with my plan, as well as drinking lots of water! We're probably retaining water right now...how fun is it being a girl?! ;)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    If you know that it is just water retention, since you know you did not over eat to the tune of 3,500 calories per pound you are up, then it's just a number. Expect fluctuations up to +5 pounds. Relax, you are not the number on your scale.
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Yes, your monthly cycle will affect how much you weigh. It is all water retention, so don't sweat it.
    You're just lucky you can maintain your weight--I often shoot up 3 pounds or so a week before! I try not to let it get to me mentally, but it can be frustrating. Just know it's temporary and if you've been accurately tracking your calories, that weight will fall right off again.