Alcohol. eat after or stick to calorie goal?



  • bwats33
    bwats33 Posts: 25 Member
    Stay away from beer and head for the hard bar and diet pop. That way you will have calories for food when your blood sugar levels plummet. :)

    Never understood why people think this is true....a normal serving of hard liquor is about 100 calories. About the same as a bud light or corona light. I guess it's better than an IPA, but I see a lot of people mistakenly drink 'whatever and diet coke' instead of beer thinking they are saving a significant amount of calories.

    Hard liquor = 35-40% alcohol, avg serving size 1.5oz + mix

    Beer (depending on where you are) can be as low as 3.2% alcohol, but typically around 5%

    Hard liquor is lower in calories to get the same amount of alcohol

    Right, but the hard liquor is diluted in a ~12oz mix of diet soda, so you're still getting around the 5% per drink whether it's beer or hard liquor. I think you've shown exactly why people are confused on this.....the percentages are throwing people off. Math IS hard.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    I eat because then my hangover is less therefore less hangover munchies!!
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    I'd pound some water and call it a night, personally.
  • Travelbug1955
    Travelbug1955 Posts: 61 Member
    Stay away from the booze. Drink water with lemon or diet soda. I have no problem saying NO when someone offers me food or drinks that will ruin my calorie allotment. Think about your goal and don't let others make you stray. It's your health. If this person was a real friend, they wouldn't be trying to ruin your diet, they would be trying to help you.
  • AirborneEd
    Join the Airborne, They'll run it outta ya. JK
  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    stick with tequila, or vodka. I do beleive they have about 100 calories in one shot glass. 5 shots and you would get a decent buzz. Also i notice im not too hungry after drinking tequila.
  • zealey77
    zealey77 Posts: 104
    I find the opposite: If I decide to drink instead of eat, my hunger goes away after the second beer. I have, however, seriously lowered my standards to stay in my calorie limit. I used to drink Newcastle...Then dropped to Coors Light...Now I'm at Natural Light. Tastes much worse but its only 98 calories a can.

    really? your photo looks too good to someone who drinks pints of ale????
  • zealey77
    zealey77 Posts: 104
    I find the opposite: If I decide to drink instead of eat, my hunger goes away after the second beer. I have, however, seriously lowered my standards to stay in my calorie limit. I used to drink Newcastle...Then dropped to Coors Light...Now I'm at Natural Light. Tastes much worse but its only 98 calories a can.

    really? your photo looks too good to someone who drinks pints of ale????

    thank you! no really though. We all know about taking photos that make us look good. high angle etc. but thank you anyway.
  • MattyFTM
    MattyFTM Posts: 68 Member
    If I know I'm going to be drinking a lot one weekend, I'll try to decrease my calorie intake during the week so I can consume more at the weekend and still have it average out to the same. Or if the drinking is unplanned, I'll try to lower my calorie intake for a few days after to balance it out. Obviously that isn't an option if you already have a very low calorie goal since it would be unhealthy to eat much less, but it's an option for some people.
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    OP - eat before you drink, then drink a bit less. I switched from predominantly craft beers to predominantly straight spirits. Now really enjoy nursing a double shot of tequila for a while, pint of water, then maybe another double shot. Try it if it sounds at all appealing (and sub any spirit for tequila if that's not your game.
    Never understood why people think this is true....a normal serving of hard liquor is about 100 calories. About the same as a bud light or corona light. I guess it's better than an IPA, but I see a lot of people mistakenly drink 'whatever and diet coke' instead of beer thinking they are saving a significant amount of calories.

    Because bud light and corona light suck *kitten*. And anyone who drinks every so often can probably, without thinking about it too much, drink a *lot* of those beers without becoming too tipsy. And then visit the restroom a half dozen times getting rid of it. Drinking spirits, most people will slow down and not consume nearly as many calories (or will get blitzed and have a night to remember or regret or not remember at all - but more responsible drinkers will, in my experience, simply consume less calories than they might otherwise). All, IMHO of course.