New here, on day 5 of p90x

nom9nom Posts: 11 Member
I tried MFP and p90x separately a few years ago. Now I'm serious about it. It's SOOO HARD. Bleh. I do my best but I feel bad that i can barely do it. I'm hoping I don't lose motivation before the 90 days. I'm looking to lose 15 lbs by July, but I do want to continue working out after that. I eat mostly clean, cook at home, etc., so hopefully I'll get stronger and might lose some weight along the way...I'm on a student wage so I can't always buy organic food :( So then I try not to eat fast food but it'll happen 1 or 2 times a week. Anyway, if you have any tips for me, I'd be super welcome to it. I really want to change.


  • Krys052490
    Krys052490 Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome! The best way to lose weight is a calorie deficit. Make sure you track you're food intake accurately! It's okay that you struggle with P90X. I have friends who completed P90X and even on the last day it was a challenge but they got in great shape! Keep at it!

    Quote because I don't know how to link a photo....

    "I really regret that workout."

    - Said no one ever.
  • nom9nom
    nom9nom Posts: 11 Member
    Haha I guess you're right!

    Also I did legs/back DVD today and the outer side of my left knee hurts :( I guess I have a knee issue? I hope it just goes away -___-