No Motivation

So, I've been overweight my whole life. I have tried exercising and eating healthy. I only lasted a maximum of a week or two. It feels nearly impossible.. I can't run or jog up the street and back without wheezing and gasping for air for the next 20 minutes. I'm embarrassed to run out in the day, anyways. I can't wake up in the morning early enough to avoid people and I can't at night because I'm terrified of the dark outside. I hate leaving the house (especially my room) I have no friends to workout with, no money for a gym membership, and absolutely no motivation. I can't workout to any videos because I don't have a dvd player, or even a TV in my room. Literally nothing motivates me. It's quite pathetic. I don't know what to do.. I'm so frustrated with myself. I can't seem to do anything for myself, I can't keep up with anything.. Some advice would be wonderful.


  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    So, I've been overweight my whole life. I have tried exercising and eating healthy. I only lasted a maximum of a week or two. It feels nearly impossible.. I can't run or jog up the street and back without wheezing and gasping for air for the next 20 minutes. I'm embarrassed to run out in the day, anyways. I can't wake up in the morning early enough to avoid people and I can't at night because I'm terrified of the dark outside. I hate leaving the house (especially my room) I have no friends to workout with, no money for a gym membership, and absolutely no motivation. I can't workout to any videos because I don't have a dvd player, or even a TV in my room. Literally nothing motivates me. It's quite pathetic. I don't know what to do.. I'm so frustrated with myself. I can't seem to do anything for myself, I can't keep up with anything.. Some advice would be wonderful.

    hiyah if you have the internet, you tube is your new gym. it has all sorts. fitnessblender is what i use, found it from other posters on this site. start now and every day you will start to see improvements

    with your food, just concentrate on eating less of your everyday food and see how you get on to start with. Do not do anything complicated or faddy and have patience. I think its just a case of get cracking, you will enjoy the rewards if you do. Good luck.
  • NancyH66
    NancyH66 Posts: 20 Member
    You should start by walking. put some music on, stick your ear buds in and walk for 30 min. You can gradually increase the time and speed til jogging is the next natural step.
    Youtube is a good suggestion for workout videos.
    Also you should look around your area for volunteer activities that will get you out of the house and meeting new people. Maybe one of them will want to go for a walk or jog with you. Plus you will feel good about making the world a better place.