Have anyone follow the French Akins diet by Dr. Dukan ?

CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been on it since Monday. and it is pretty easy to follow so far I have lost 5.1 lb since Monday. Fabelouse


  • pearly0505
    pearly0505 Posts: 9 Member
    i'm on it.
    i've lost all my weight on it so far. and tomorrow will be 100 days.
    feel free to friend me and we can support each other.
    if you need any reciepe ideas or motivation you can visit my blog: ukdukan.wordpress.com
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    I'm doing Atkins but not Dukan - I read it over and it seemed too restrictive for me.

    Congrats to both of you on the losses so far!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I have the book but am still losing just by eating sensibly so until I get stuck I don't plan on starting it....
  • pearly0505
    pearly0505 Posts: 9 Member
    to be honest its very different to atkins, especially in the sense of fats etc. fats are not something you will find within the dukan method. whereas they are highly recommended in atkins.
    Overall i feel the dukan method is a healthier alternative and one that i have got on brilliantly with so far. but obviously it all depends on the person.
    I especially think the main advantage of dukan is the consolidation and stabilisation phrases, as they provide you a healthy basis to ensure weight lose is maintained while reintroduction carbs and higher fat foods.
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    to be honest its very different to atkins, especially in the sense of fats etc. fats are not something you will find within the dukan method. whereas they are highly recommended in atkins.
    Overall i feel the dukan method is a healthier alternative and one that i have got on brilliantly with so far. but obviously it all depends on the person.
    I especially think the main advantage of dukan is the consolidation and stabilisation phrases, as they provide you a healthy basis to ensure weight lose is maintained while reintroduction carbs and higher fat foods.

    I'll be honest - those 2 phases really confused me when I read about the diet. I'm sure if I took the time to re-read it, I'll get it but I didn't want to head into a plan not fully understanding it.

    And yes, you're right - it's VERY different from Atkins in terms of fat consumption. It reminds me of the Stillman diet from the 70s - that was a low fat/low carb plan.

    I'm for whatever works for a person :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks evey one for respomding to his topic It hs been a big help for me To know what othes think. I think I am going to love it. This is quite ne here in the states and no book out on it yet here. Been readin lot on the internet tho.For thosse that are following this plan keep in torch. Would love to hear from you.:heart: calie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have been follwing this plan since Monday and have lost over 5 lbs. Pretty easy to follow,
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